Fluid stools during pregnancy

In the period of expectation of a child, expectant mothers often have irregularities in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which manifest themselves as diarrhea, or a loose stool.

Such an unpleasant symptom is so common that some women even regard loose stools as a sign of pregnancy. Meanwhile, this situation is not always harmless and sometimes requires an immediate request to the doctor. In this article, we will tell you what causes the liquid stool can provoke during pregnancy in the early and late periods, and what accompanying symptoms should be referred to a medical institution.

Why is pregnant a loose stool?

There are quite a few factors that can significantly affect the condition and proper functioning of the digestive system of a future mother. So, the main causes of loose stool in pregnant women can be the following:

What to do if the pregnant woman has a loose stool, is it worth talking to a doctor?

When a pregnant woman has a loose stool, one should objectively assess her condition and the need to immediately consult a doctor. In a situation where diarrhea happens very often, more than 5 times a day, the likelihood of dehydration increases significantly. This violates the water-salt balance, which can lead to disruption in the work of all internal organs and systems.

In addition, along with toxins and harmful substances that poison the gastrointestinal tract, vitamins and useful microelements are also eliminated from the body, which are necessary to ensure the vital activity of the pregnant woman and her future baby. In severe cases, dehydration can provoke miscarriage or the onset of premature birth, as well as cause various malformations of the fetus.

Thus, do not be frivolous about diarrhea. Immediately call a doctor if you have the following symptoms:

What should I do to get rid of a loose stool during pregnancy at home?

In most cases, you can cope with diarrhea while waiting for the child yourself. Meanwhile, you should carefully consider the choice of medications, since many of them are contraindicated for use during pregnancy.

Most often future mothers use for the treatment of liquid stool the following safe and effective means:

In addition, at the time of treatment should abandon any food and drink as much fluids as ordinary non-carbonated water, various fruit juice from natural ingredients, black strong tea or broth. Also, rice decoction can be very useful.