Rare breeds of dogs

Surprisingly, in the world there are such breeds of dogs, whose representatives do not even have hundreds. Some disappeared due to poor breeding, others due to a decrease in interest in the breed by the breeders, while others are found only on a certain territory. The reasons for the small number of breeds can be many.

Which breed of dogs is the rarest?

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the American hairless terrier is the rarest breed of dogs. The unusualness of this breed in the absolute absence of wool, which was originally accepted as a vice after a mutation. However, the time passed, and the breed became stronger. To date, there are no more than 70 hairless terriers in the world, the vast majority of which belong to the same breeder in the United States.

Very rare breeds of dogs, such as chinook , are almost unknown in wide circles. This breed can easily cope with the task of dragging a harness or protecting its master. Extraordinarily strong, bold and enduring, the Chinook breed does not have any distinctive features externally. Some time ago, enthusiasts tried to popularize the breed, but to date, these dogs remained no more than 80.

Rare decorative breeds of dogs

Rare decorative breeds of dogs are affenpinscher . Energetic, small growth the dog looks very unusual, since it is covered with long, shaggy and rather tough hair. Mischievous muzzle, cheerful disposition, mobility - affenpinscher will be an excellent home friend for his master.

The Chinese Crested dog is more common, but it also belongs to rare and decorative breeds. The body of this dog is completely naked, but the head is different than a real woolen hairdo. Wool can also be on the tail and tips of the paws. Representatives of this breed are also completely covered with fine wool.

Currently, more and more are becoming popular little doggies. However, there are rare breeds of small dogs that are inaccessible to a mass buyer: the Brussels Griffon, the Belgian Griffon and Petit Branbason . These related dogs can be recognized by a funny muzzle: rather large round eyes and clearly expressed "mustache with a beard" in griffons. These are quite expensive and rare breeds of dogs in Russia.

Rare shepherds and hunting breeds of dogs

Rare breeds include a dog with dreadlocks. Bullets - an unusual breed with curly hair, reminiscent of twisted dreadlocks. This shepherd dog was bred in Hungary, and today it is often kept in families. However, such a breed requires long walks and special care for the hair: washing, combing and drying.

The Norwegian Elkhound is distinguished by its gray-silver hair. This rare breed of dogs was bred for hunting elk (from Norway elkhaund elk) in Norway and today it has almost never left the country. Strong, hardy, powerful, this breed's dog, however, is very friendly and sociable.

Another rare and very funny appearance is the Burlington Terrier . Her fur along the length and the structure resembles a sheep, although there is nothing more to do with the lamb in this dog. Initially, the Burlington Terrier was bred as a fighting breed, and its wool structure served as an excellent defense against predators.

A well-known collie breed in its miniature or sheltie is rare. In appearance, sheltie practically does not differ from its large brother - the same long hair, subtle muzzle, color. However, according to the degree of distribution, sheltie lags far behind. As for character, sheltie is a dog with a sense of self-worth, graceful, independent, intelligent.

The list of rare dogs can be continued with time. After all, some breeds become more popular, the number of others decreases with time, and still others are only recently withdrawn.