Thermal underwear for sports

For many people, sport is not just a hobby, it's a way of life. But, unfortunately, on the way athletes encounter obstacles, for example, the summer heat or severe frost. Not so long ago, weather conditions were a weighty reason to cancel training or competition, hike in the mountains or fishing. Today, there is no such need, because in the market of sports and tourist clothes, real salvation from bad weather has appeared - thermal underwear for sports. Innovative materials used for sewing this wonderful thing, surpass even the most daring expectations: they improve the level of comfort and safety, prevent unpleasant consequences from overheating and hypothermia.

Now the task of athletes is how to choose the thermal underwear for active sports. After all, the right choice will depend on how effective this type of clothing will perform the functions assigned to it.

How to choose a thermal underwear for sports?

To properly choose thermal underwear for athletes, you need to determine the operating conditions. For example, thermal underwear for skiing in its composition will be different from clothes designed for running or cycling, why - let's try to figure it out.

Depending on the temperature regime and degree of activity, the material from which the thermal underwear is made can be synthetic, natural, or combined. Synthetics, in particular polyester, have increased capillary properties: it removes moisture from the body and does not get wet. As a result, the skin and the adjacent layer of clothing remain dry. Therefore, fully synthetic thermal underwear is a find for people who are in constant movement. So, thermal underwear for skiing can be made of Coolmax fiber. Clothing from Coolmax dries twice as fast as ordinary cotton, so people remain dry even after heavy physical exertion.

Another composition for thermal underwear for active skiing, which is due to extremely low temperatures. Since in this case, it is necessary to worry not only about the removal of moisture, but also about the preservation of heat. As a rule, thermal underwear for outdoor sports is sewn from combined materials, where the first layer works for intensive drainage of moisture, the second layer with wool additives - for heating. By the way, for the skiers, manufacturers have developed special models of thermal underwear with inserts on elbows and knees that will protect from the cold, when the hands and feet are in one position for a long time.

Thermal underwear for water sports should meet special requirements. In particular, professionals recommend for water activities to choose clothes made of polypropylene or polyester without natural additives. An exception can only be winter fishing, when for hours you have to sit by the ice hole.