Who was the wife of Matthew McConaughey before the fateful meeting with the actor?

Do you want another story about the modern Cinderella? Excuse me! Actor Matthew McConaughey is married to the black haired beauty Camille Alves, a native of Brazil. You will not believe, but this 35-year-old lady, the happy mother of three children and the wife of one of the most talented actors of Hollywood, once worked as a cleaner!

She came to the United States at the age of 15 with a dream of a career in fashion business. However, not everything developed smoothly, and Camilla struggled to clean up the houses of the Hollywood rich.

Why did a girl with a spectacular appearance choose such a "not prestigious" work? It's all about her strict and conservative upbringing. Parents of the Brazilian from the very childhood accustomed her to clean up the house, masterfully coping with the mud and disorder. Before sending his daughter to the US, Camilla's father told her not to think of marrying a man, focusing solely on his status and income. In contrary case, the father of the family promised to treat the daughter as a "high-class prostitute".

A beautiful and strong couple

Camille was lucky, and her dad can be calm for her blood - 11 years ago she met actor Matthew McConaughey. He was then called one of the sex symbols of the Dream Factory.

Over time, the actor acquired a star status, earned an impressive account in the bank and became famous all over the world for roles in television series, art-house bands and blockbusters.

The couple played the wedding after the birth of two children, when Camilla was for the third time on demolitions. The ceremony was not crowded and was held according to the Catholic rite. The couple is raising two sons and a daughter and is considered an example of loyalty in Hollywood.

Camilla Alves not without pride has told, that they with the husband devote time to work over the relations, not starting up all on a whim. A couple of times a month, the 47-year-old Oscar winner and his wise wife retire in a hotel room and spend time there only together. Even if the hotel is 15 minutes away from their ranch - this is already a romantic adventure!

Loving spouses spend the night there, slowly breakfast, walk hand in hand and a lot, frankly talk about their feelings, problems, experiences. Only after such a "secluded weekend" they return to their children, in order to resume their family responsibilities.

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