Gaziki at newborns - what to do?

In newborns (in children aged from birth to three months), intestinal colic is often observed, which can be caused by gas formation. When there are gaziki in newborns, what to do with it knows not every mom. However, there are several ways to solve this problem.

How to recognize the formation of gas in newborns?

To eliminate gas tanks in crumbs, it is important to be sure that it is this problem that needs to be solved. As a rule, parents consider any crying of their baby due to colic, but this is not always the case. This is why it is necessary to eliminate or facilitate gassing only after consulting a pediatrician.

What to do if a newborn has a gas tank?

Gases in a newborn are not a pathological phenomenon, and therefore do not exert excessive effort, trying to eliminate them. The main thing is not to be afraid of them, but to consistently try all possible ways to alleviate the condition of the baby. We describe these methods.

  1. You can press the crumb to yourself, placing it on the hand down the face. It turns out that he will be in limbo. In this position, you should gently rock the child for a while, so that the ghazi moves away.
  2. In the position described for the first method, you can put something warm under the tummy to the child.
  3. Prepare a warm bath for the baby to soothe it. Right in the bathtub, you can massage the baby, lightly stroking it on the belly in a circular motion clockwise.
  4. Massage on the tummy can be done after bathing the crumbs. To do this, lightly lubricate your hands with a baby cream or oil. All movements must be directed clockwise and slightly downward, so that the child is easier to get rid of the gases. Remember that such a massage can be done only when the child is absolutely calm, and the attack of colic has passed, otherwise his condition will only worsen.
  5. Sometimes dacian water, chamomile broth, fennel tea, as well as special products from gases for children, sold in pharmacies, helps the gazikas.

To improve the functioning of the entire digestive system of the baby and to prevent colic, it is recommended that you regularly hold a massage session. They can be held at a certain time, or you can turn them into a ritual accompanying, for example, a diaper or diaper change. Below are some exercises for massage.

  1. Exercise 1 . Just put the handles on the belly crumbs, set up a contact with it, recharge it with tranquility.
  2. Exercise 2 . Open the palm, stroke the baby on the tummy in a direction from top to bottom. You need to do this alternately with two hands, so that contact with the baby's skin is not lost for a second.
  3. Exercise 3 . Open the palm of one hand, stroke the baby on the stomach from top to bottom, and with the other hand, hold the baby's leg in a raised state.
  4. Exercise 4 . Connect the baby's knees together, lift them to the stomach, performing the easiest pressure on the tummy. Keep the legs in this position for 5-10 seconds, then lower the legs, pull out, stroke, slightly shake the baby. This exercise draws gases very well.
  5. Exercise 5 . Draw circles around the baby's navel with an open palm. Circles should be drawn only clockwise, which corresponds to the location of the intestines of the child.
  6. Exercise 6. Perform relaxing stroking of the baby's body, shake his hips lightly, help him to relieve tension and relax.

How to use a gas outlet tube for newborns?

When the question arises about what to do with the gases of the newborn, many mothers and doctors recommend using a special gas pipe , which must be boiled before each use, cool, grease the rounded part with vaseline, and then put into the ass. At the same time, the baby should lie on his stomach with legs bent to the abdomen. The tube should be slightly twisted, so that the gases and feces begin to depart. Usually it takes 10 minutes.