Make-up under a pink dress

In this season, pink dresses more than successfully compete with whites. Perhaps the secret is that pink has an incredible amount of shades, so the number of images you create with a pink dress is almost infinite. But there is one serious "BUT". Unsuccessfully chosen to a pink dress makeup can spoil the whole impression or "erasing" your face, or, conversely, turning it into an unnatural clown mask.

Therefore, when doing make-up for pink along, you should adhere to a number of rules.

The rules of a harmonious make-up under a pink dress

  1. Make-up should be coordinated first of all with your color appearance . Therefore, choosing a dress, give preference to cold or warm shades of pink, depending on its color type (autumn, winter, spring or summer).
  2. Under a cold shade of pink use and make-up of the cold scale - silvery shine, gray-brown shadows, cold pink lipstick. To the dress of a warm pink shade will go a transparent (or peach) lipstick, sandy-brown shades, golden shine.
  3. Do not put a rose under pink dress. If you still chose pink lipstick, it should either match perfectly with the tone of the dress, or be slightly darker. And it is better to choose a lipstick lilac or burgundy shade.
  4. The makeup of the eyes under the pink dress is also associated with the tone of the dress - the lighter the dress, the more expressive the shadows may be. For a saturated pink, you can limit yourself to liner and ink, as a maximum - beige shadows without shine, and shades in blue-lavender shades will go to a pale pink dress.

Find your "pink" dress, listen to our advice, and you - the queen of the ball. By the way about the points: this year's trend for dresses for the prom was a pink dress in Greek style. Dare and be irresistible!