Sharon Stone revealed the reason for her long absence

Recently, the Hollywood diva Sharon Stone gave an interview in which she admitted that she had fought for a long time with a terrible illness that completely changed her life. It is known that the star rarely communicates with journalists and moreover, it has long been not seen in society and at secular events.

The candid interview was on CBS. The star said that in 2000 she suffered a stroke and a brain hemorrhage:

"My chances of surviving were 50/50. I was broken and completely alone. All subsequent years I underwent rehabilitation treatment and hid my colleagues from colleagues. The world of show business is cruel, no one is interested in a man caught in a difficult situation. This is the environment where you do not forgive weakness. We have to live all by ourselves. I know that many of my behavior seemed strange, but I still did not want to talk about my illness. "

About sexual harassment in Hollywood

The theme of harassment did not stand aside either. When asked about sexual harassment in a professional career, Sharon Stone laughed frankly, which led the journalist to some confusion:

"I came to show business 40 years ago, you can imagine what it was then. I came from nowhere, from some Pennsylvania to Hollywood, and even with my appearance ... I was alone and defenseless. Of course, I saw everything. "

Today, the actress feels much better, she is full of energy and ready for new projects. After a long break, her career again promises to gain momentum. So, soon on the screens will be released a new series of Stephen Soderbergh's "Mosaic", in which Stone will again play a writer.

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