Sports corner for children

With the development of computer technology, consoles and mobile applications, children are less interested in active recreation, outdoor games and sports. But it is so important, especially for a growing child's body, to do daily exercises and give yourself even small physical exertions. Not all parents have free time to go in for sports with their children, go with them to a skating rink or drive to sports clubs. An excellent starting point for an active and healthy lifestyle of the child is the installation of a sports corner for children in the apartment. With his help, the child not only improves his physical condition, but also dilutes the time spent at the computer and textbooks, physical exercises. Also, he will have the opportunity to prepare for the surrender of standards in physical education. Not to mention the fact that the sports corner can push the child to further engage in some kind of sport. If the purchase of a new gymnastic wall for children, money yet, do not despair, you can buy a sports corner, used or to make it yourself.

What should include a sports corner for children for the home?

  1. The corner must consist of at least two Swedish walls, arranged so that the child can easily move from one to another. Already, the presence of such walls of the house contributes to the creation of a mass of active games in children's fantasy.
  2. A suspended ladder is an integral part of the sports corner. It serves for the child to be able to walk on it in his arms; for children this is especially useful and at the same time it is interesting, because when performing this physical exercise, the ladder slightly shakes from side to side.
  3. The horizontal crossbar, depending on the age of the child can be installed at different heights. Older children can pull up on it and make a corner. And the kids will just hang on it and somersault.
  4. In order that a fall from the wall or the staircase would not be so painful, you should put mats on the floor or something soft.

The given variant of the device of a corner is not obligatory, but serves only as an example and includes only the most basic attributes for playing sports. It can be supplemented with a mass of other shells (rings, slides, targets and others) based on the wishes of the child and the possibilities of the room.

All the efforts made to create a sports corner for children will pay off in the form of additional free time. After all, the gymnastic corner can for a long time captivate the attention of the child, and he will be able to release the accumulated energy there.

For today in sports shops there is a huge choice of various walls, shells and corners for children. Finished wooden and metal Swedish walls for children differ, as a rule, by the method of fixation. Kinds of sports walls: