Tinting parquet - how to properly update the color of the flooring?

To restore the original color to the boards, update the appearance and save the texture of the tree, the parquet is tinted. There are several options for such a procedure and more often use oil, lacquer and stain. Toning procedures are simple and can be carried out independently.

How to tonify the parquet?

Renovation of the parquet board flooring has several advantages: the floor becomes more attractive, it is possible to disguise minor defects, and even diversify the overall design of the room. Toning, parquet bending and other similar procedures can be carried out independently, taking into account the basic rules:

  1. The procedure for giving the desired color to the coating should be carried out at the last stage of the construction work, that is, after the walls and the ceiling have been finished.
  2. First, pretreatment is performed and it is best to contact the specialists for this.
  3. The result of the toning will depend on the material from which the parquet is made.

Toning parquet with oil

A universal substance is oil , which gives the parquet a new look. After its application, the floor can be rubbed only with special impregnations. Toned oil for parquet can be with wax, one- and two-component. Before using this product, you need to make sure that it does not damage the wood. One-component oil is applied in several layers, and two other options can cover the floor once. The process of toning the floor is as follows:

  1. First, apply a layer of primer oil to the surface to improve performance.
  2. When it dries, the main layer of oil is applied, which should be thick. It is important to move the brush toward the direction of the fibers.
  3. The floor will dry exactly one day. If after that the color seemed too light, then you can apply another layer.

Tinting of parquet with lacquer

To change the color of the floor, you can use a varnish that does not penetrate the wood, but creates a film on top. If you want to make the shade more saturated, then you need to apply several layers. It is important to consider that toning varnish for parquet is short-lived and after a while it will begin to wear off and crack. The scheme for applying the varnish is identical to the instructions given for the oil. After toning on top, a layer of clear varnish should be applied.

Toning of old parquet

If the coating is already old, then it is recommended first to grind (cycle). The process is time-consuming and it is better to entrust it to specialists who have the necessary equipment. The coding of parquet with tinting is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, the surface is ground with a coarse, granular abrasive. This removes the old coating layer and the existing unevenness.
  2. To smooth minor irregularities, medium-grained sandpaper is used.
  3. To remove traces of previous processing, a fine-grained abrasive is used.
  4. After that, putty putty - a special resin mixed with wood dust, formed during grinding.
  5. After drying, another grinding is carried out with a fine abrasive. Then apply a primer, which is selected for the type of wood.
  6. The next step is varnishing and interlayer final grinding. After removing dust, the necessary layers of varnish are applied.

Are parquet flooring tinted with herringbone?

You can refresh any parquet and the one that is laid with herringbone. For tinting, the methods described above are suitable, and a stain that penetrates into the pores of the tree, like oil, can also be used. It is not suitable for large rooms, because it absorbs unevenly and the surface can get spotty. Toning of a parquet from a beech and other kind of a tree is spent so:

  1. It is better to use a roller, which after wetting should not be wet, but only wet.
  2. Distribute the stain evenly over the surface. That there were no strips, the first layer put perpendicularly to a parquet, and the second - along.
  3. To get a good result, you need three layers, so the first two must dry for three days, and the last - at least a week. After this, you can carry out the opening of the floor with varnish.

Tinting of parquet - colors

There are several popular color solutions for flooring, which should be selected based on the chosen style of the room. When choosing a color, it is recommended to check it on a piece of parquet cover to make sure that the shade is suitable.

  1. The popular use of toning parquet in white, because it is suitable for many styles in design. Such a floor will visually enlarge the room.
  2. If you choose black or other dark color for toning, then it is important to take into account that scratches on the surface will be very noticeable and the ceiling with walls should be light. Dark shades are best to choose for the old parquet to hide the shortcomings.
  3. Tinting the red parquet will give the room a cosiness and warmth.
  4. For almost any design, a brown color is suitable.
  5. Bright colors should be chosen carefully and only for modern design styles.