Wenheads on the body - reasons

Wen is a benign tumor that is formed from fat cells. It is also called a lipoma. The most common subcutaneous solitary formations, but sometimes there are multiple growths in the subcutaneous tissue or muscle fibers. Do not worry too much if you have gotten adipose tissue on the body - the reasons for this phenomenon lie not only in diseases.

Why do WenWiki appear?

The main reason for the appearance of adipose tissue on the human body is a strong slagging of the body. To the accumulation and poor removal of harmful substances are:

Very often such neoplasms appear after strokes and various tissue damage. Unfortunately, for the formation of lipoma, sometimes just a slight but prolonged external pressure on the skin is sufficient. Also, the causes of subcutaneous adiposity on the body are:

At women lipomas develop also at disturbances of a hormonal background. Heredity can influence the formation of such formations. The presence in the family of a relative who has encountered this problem significantly increases the risk of the formation of a wen, unattractive from an aesthetic point of view.

What diseases are the causes of the appearance of adipose?

Common causes of the appearance of adipocytes on the body are diseases of the vegetative or nervous systems or the pathology of their work. Provoke their occurrence can severely disrupt the process of lipolysis (destruction of fat deposits under the skin). The reasons for the formation of multiple fatty acids on the body also include:

Sometimes the lipoma appears where there is no adipose tissue at all. This, for example, is the skull. Such a formation is called a heterotopic lipoma. The reason for the appearance of this type of fatty body on the body is the choristoma. This is the rudiment of adipose tissue, which accidentally fell into other tissues as early as during the development of the embryo.

Diabetes mellitus, disturbances in the processes of tissue regeneration and circulation also lead to the appearance of large and small limes and, often, these are multiple benign formations.