Difference between children 2 years

According to the recommendations of doctors, the optimal difference between births in a woman is 3 years. But life is life, and our plans do not always come true on time. Someone turns out to get pregnant before the put 3 years, and someone wants, that he had children-pogodki. Let's look at the difference in the two years between the first and second child.

Mom's health

If you want to have a difference in the ages of your children was 2 years, the most important thing about what you should think about - you need to prepare for the conception of the second baby, when the first will be just over a year. Before planning a pregnancy, do not forget to visit a doctor and take the necessary tests. This is necessary in order to ensure the health of their reproductive system after the first birth. As mentioned above, the female body is restored after pregnancy for several years (consider also the duration of breastfeeding), but, by and large, you can give birth earlier. This should be your personal decision, taken after consultation with a doctor and based on your own health records.

Peculiarities of life

Two children are much more than one. With this phrase many mothers agree. Two kids (especially with a slight difference in age) make noise, play around, frolic much more. On the one hand, it's good - the two of us are always more interesting. And on the other - parents often find it difficult to manage with the kids. The same applies to the main points of care for young children. We must be prepared for the fact that it is problematic to collect both at once for a walk, at the same time to lay down for a day's sleep, etc. However, this is difficult at first. With the difference between children two years their regime can be fully organized, but this will take some time.

The psychological side

Difficulties arise when mother should give time to the newborn baby, and at this time the first-born, two-year-old suddenly begins to demand much more attention to herself than before. The reason for this - childish jealousy . How to deal with it, and even better - how to prevent it, you should think about before the birth of the second baby.

To do this, you need to understand that a 2-year-old kid, although he automatically becomes an older child, is not yet ready to experience such a responsibility. Do not involve him in caring for the newborn against his will. The desire to help should be natural and proceed from the child himself.

With age, the difference between children 2 years is gradually smoothed out. Parents become much easier when the kids grow up and start to be friends.