How does Kate Hudson fight with ... acne?

Who would have thought: the popular Hollywood actress Keith Hudson has problem skin. Despite the fact that the stylish and charismatic blonde has long since emerged from adolescence, she is still forced from time to time to deal with rashes on her face. How does she manage to look so cool?

The first thing that comes to mind is salon care. Fabulously expensive professional procedures are certainly able to cope even with the most neglected youthful pimples. But it turned out that everything is much simpler. Recently Kate told her fans that without regular and regular home care, no miracle cosmetologists could help her.

A few rules of healthy skin

Kate Hudson shared her experience of keeping the skin clean, which ensures that acne will remain in the past. In particular, the actress noticed that the age-related changes affected the hormonal balance, and this affected her "rules of beauty": "

"It happens that morning brings me unpleasant surprises. This is a terribly unaesthetic acne. I can not imagine where they can come from. Judge for yourself: I regularly take care of the skin of the face, I do not eat anything, my daily routine is close to ideal. "

The star of the films "Almost Famous" and "The War of Brides" shared that it found a good way how to solve this problem:

"For the past five years, I have been doing this kind of ritual regularly - I rub my face with an ice cube in the morning and in the evening. I prepare it from mineral water, to which I add literally a couple drops of herbal alcohol tincture. I will say the following - acne stopped spoiling my appearance. However, it is important to follow the regime - as soon as I forget about skin care or just lazy to do it, my face is again covered by "uninvited guests" in the morning. "
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A couple more tips from Goldie Hawn's daughter: be sure to wash before going to bed, and take off makeup, no matter how much you want to break this rule. In the morning, the actress, after an icy wipe, simply puts on her face a cream with a high degree of protection from the sun.