How to wear a scarf?

As you know, fashion erases the boundaries between male and female wardrobe items. Recently, girls began to wonder, but how correctly to wear arafatka? First of all, let's see what kind of wardrobe is this.

A traditional oriental headdress or an Arabic scarf is called a kufia, shemag, arafatka or gutra. Initially, this product was designed so that people could take shelter from scorching sunlight, and protect their eyes from sand and wind.

Traditionally, arafat or shamag is created from cotton materials or woolen. Most often they are red-white or black and white, because they are traditional shades. Also it is worth considering that the longer the fringe length on the scarf, the more expensive it is, and also the higher the position of the person who wears it. Shemags are now in different shades, so many girls and women love to wear them, combining them with everyday clothes.

Ways how to wear arafatka

Modern girls, in general, wear it not on the head, but on the neck. There is a huge number of ways how to wear a scarf around your neck. To create a stunning image, you can use the most famous and easiest way to tie. First, fold your handkerchief diagonally in half into a triangle. Next, wrap the handkerchief around the neck so that the center of the chest is the wide end of the resulting triangle. The other two ends of the arafat will hang freely from the shoulders.

Another interesting and stylish option is the way as a female tie . It is created almost as well as the first, but the free ends must be tied on the chest and make another knot.

Arafatka is also worn as a headdress, and the easiest way to wear an arafat coat on your head is the "mask" option. In its creation there is nothing complicated, it is only necessary to fold the handkerchief into a triangle and put it on the head so that all the two tails freely hang along the arms, in front. Next, make one tail a little shorter and throw it around the head, and a long tail should be tied up nose and mouth. This way, as a rule, women enjoy traveling in hot countries, as well as some fans of riding a motorcycle.