Nasal congestion - treatment

The nose is a filter of air entering the lungs. Therefore, doctors recommend always to monitor its condition, especially in the autumn-winter period, when it is very easy to overcool and get sick. The common symptom of respiratory diseases is a stuffy nose, it can be different - with a runny nose and without it, and therefore requires a different treatment.

Causes of nasal congestion

A state where it is impossible to breathe through the nose is familiar to almost everyone. It arises as a result of:

Nasal congestion can lead to hearing problems, headache, sleep and snoring, and to the constant drying of the throat, as the body will lack oxygen, and instinctively the person will breathe through the mouth.

It is very important to correctly determine the cause of its occurrence, since this also determines the necessary treatment.

Traditional treatment of nasal congestion

With catarrhal diseases and respiratory viral infection, the nasal passages through which air must pass are narrowed due to the swelling caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane and the accumulation of mucus there. In this case, complex treatment is required, which consists of the following activities:

  1. Washing with saline. Aqualor, sea water or saline will be useful.
  2. Instilling in the nasal passages of therapeutic or vasoconstrictive drops or sprays. Naftizin, Otrivin, Vibrocil, Evkazolin Aqua and others will come to the rescue.
  3. Taking antiviral drugs or, if necessary, antibiotics.
  4. Carrying out physio procedures. The warming, inhalation and other manipulations available in the polyclinics of each city will quickly eliminate the symptoms of sinusitis and sinusitis.

Not cured in time, stuffiness of the nose can affect the ears, then you may also need treatment for otitis.

To get rid of a permanent nasal congestion, the treatment of an existing allergy is often required. For this, it is necessary to take antihistamines and avoid the use of an allergen product.

Treatment of nasal congestion with folk remedies

Due to the fact that vasoconstrictive drops for the nose can not be used for a long time, as they are addictive and cease to be effective, it is worth paying attention to a large number of folk recipes. Here's how you can cure nasal congestion with the methods tested by our great-grandmothers:

  1. Season with Kalanchoe juice. This method of treatment helps to remove nasal congestion even with genyantritis, because a person begins to sneeze much, which helps to cleanse the nasal passages from accumulated mucus. You can also use honey, beet or onion juice, only necessarily diluted with water.
  2. To smear under a nose balm the Starlet. But it should be done very carefully, as in many people it causes severe burning, especially if the skin in this place is strongly rubbed.
  3. Drink hot tea with medicinal herbs. Chamomile, sage , lemongrass, linden are excellent anti-inflammatory agents. You can also add honey or raspberries to the drink.
  4. Make hot baths and warming compresses for the feet. Put the compresses on the heel and keep a few minutes (up to 5).
  5. To conduct acupuncture massage. The foot massage helps, since there are points on them that affect the condition of the nose.

The last two procedures can be performed provided that the person does not have a temperature.

There are a lot of ways to remove the stuffiness, but first of all it is necessary to do the following:

  1. Tempering your body.
  2. Follow the hygiene of the nasal cavity.
  3. In time, even a simple runny nose can be treated to prevent the development of a chronic form of sinusitis .