Vertical steam iron

Iron refers to the inventions of mankind, without which no modern owner can manage. This technique allows us to solve many problems related to our appearance. Invented more than a hundred years ago, the iron was improved, modified and equipped with all new functions.

The first invented iron was designed exclusively for ironing dry clothes. In modern stores of household appliances, such models are not found and are considered a rarity.

The next invention was an iron with a sprinkler on the spout. This model is still used by some modern housewives, but it is gradually being superseded from the shelves by novelties.

A real discovery is a steam iron. He is most in demand these days. Steam iron steamer is characterized by high quality ironing of any fabric and multifunctionality.

A very convenient modern invention is a road iron. This model is characterized by its minimal dimensions, ease of use and low power consumption. It is extremely convenient for business trips and vacations.

Vertical iron

Another novelty of modern inventors is a vertical iron. The iron with vertical steaming appeared in the stores of home appliances quite recently and not all are familiar with the huge advantages of this device. This iron is stunningly convenient for smoothing thin fabrics, curtains, upholstery furniture. Using a vertical steam iron, you can iron clothes without removing it from the hanger.

Vertical iron steamer is ideal for winter clothing and clothing from dense fabric. Hot steam is fed throughout the surface area of ​​the iron and evenly smoothes the fabric. In order to smooth out the thing, it must be hung on a hanger and jetted with hot steam. Under the influence of this stream of villi, the tissues acquire volume, and the product itself becomes smoothed.

Vertical iron steamer is equipped with the function of steam impact "Turbopar". This function consists in that the steam is removed for several seconds with a steam jet. This feature allows you to perfectly smooth even dry jeans on the hanger. Only good reviews can be found about this function of the steam iron.

Most models of irons with vertical steaming are equipped with an anti-drip system. The main function of this system is to prevent water droplets from getting on clothes when using ordinary ironing with a low temperature. At a temperature of less than 100 degrees, a special valve closes the water tank and does not allow it to enter the clothing.

At present, exclusively positive reviews about the iron with vertical steaming predominate. The new function greatly facilitates the life of most housewives. You can buy an iron steamer in any household appliance store. These models occupy entire shelves in large stores. True, the price of an iron with vertical stripping is higher than the price of a conventional iron.

Iron with steam generator

Buy an iron with a steam generator is much more difficult than a conventional iron. These models are sold far from all household stores, as they are mainly used in dry cleaners. The most famous manufacturers of irons with a steam generator are Philips and Tefal.

Irons with a steam generator are real stations designed for steaming and ironing all kinds of fabrics. The principle of operation of such an iron consists in the development of a powerful steam jet that is able to smooth even the most inaccessible area of ​​clothing.

For the repair of any kind of irons with the steam generator will take in the special workshops, so do not try to fix this iron yourself. Chances are great that after trying to fix a vertical or any other iron, it will never work again.