Where should the bed stand on Feng Shui?

Daoist practice of feng shui tells about the proper organization of space. It is believed that with its help you can use favorable energy flows to bring health, love, money and happiness to the house. There is a whole section of feng shui dedicated to the proper layout and design of the bedroom. He talks about where the bed should be, how to organize a sleeping place, what color should be chosen for finishing the room.

Following the rules of feng shui in the design of the bedroom can help to establish family relations, strengthen the closeness of husband and wife, bring peace, joy and harmony.

1. Bed arrangement

The greatest attention in the design of the bedroom specialists of Feng Shui pay attention to the location of the bed. It is believed that on how and where the sleeper will stand, depends on health and family relations in pairs. Below we give the basic rules regarding where the bed should be based on feng shui.

2. The color scheme

From the color design of the room in many ways depends on his atmosphere and mood. Modern designers offer a variety of design bedrooms. But in the Chinese teachings of feng shui, there are rules concerning what color is better to choose for finishing the bedroom.

3. Furniture

A great role in the design of the bedroom is played by the right choice of furniture. The bed, cabinet, cabinets and chest of drawers should reflect not only the designer's idea and the taste of future tenants, but also comply with the rules of Taoist practice. Here we will tell you what to look for when buying furniture in the bedroom.

4. Mirrors and other decor

In the Taoist practice of Feng Shui, there are many recommendations that can and can not be used in the bedroom. The rules list specific items that can have a positive or negative impact on a person's life.

5. Plants

The rules of feng shui take into account a number of subtleties and nuances that can affect the energy of the house, health and personal relationships of its inhabitants. Including Taoist practice takes into account the use of flowers and other plants in the interior design of the bedroom.

6. Electrical appliances

We are surrounded by a lot of electrical appliances, without which we already have a bad idea of ​​everyday life. The Chinese teaching gives its own recommendations regarding the location of appliances and household appliances in the bedroom.

Now you know where the feng shui bed should stand and what color walls should be chosen for the bedroom. It is believed that following the rules and recommendations of the Chinese doctrine, you can make the relationship more harmonious, preserve the health and well-being of family members.

And in order to ensure that your sleep is always healthy and strong, you need to choose a quality, reliable and beautiful bed. The largest selection of beds, mattresses and other bedding is presented in the online store "Krovat.ru".