Biography and personal life of Timothy Dalton

Only a few celebrities manage to keep their personal lives from gossip and other conversations. Among these are Timothy Dalton, whose biography and personal life is as secret as possible from the public. But, despite all the attempts of the actor to close in his world, all the same the fans managed to open the veil of mystery and learn a bit about their beloved dandy with piercing green eyes and a charming smile.

Biography of an elegant aristocrat

Timothy Peter Dalton was born on March 21, 1946 in Wales, United Kingdom. And this, perhaps, is the only thing he never concealed about himself. At the age of 18, after leaving school, the young man became an actor of the theater, while managing to combine his studies at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Two years later, he made his debut on television, and two years later, he first starred in the film.

Timothy Dalton managed to star in many projects, but the greatest success was brought to him by such films as "Jane Eyre", "Sparks from the eyes" and the role of James Bond, "Scarlet" and "License for Murder." Also, the actor tried himself in a fantastic genre. However, the film "Flash Gordon" never evolved into a space saga. Timothy's partner was the beautiful Ornella Muti , with whom he developed quite sincere love feelings. The movie stars played so realistically that the viewer believed.

The personal life of actor Timothy Dalton

Passionate, temperamental and always gallant on the screen actor, in life was a real recluse. His name has never been highlighted in the headlines of newspapers, which he was immensely pleased. It is worth mentioning that by his nature, Dalton is still a bachelor. Perhaps that is why his first stable connection with actress Vanessa Redgrave seemed ideal. The woman did not demand marriage from him, and they lived together as a couple for about 15 years.

After the break with Vanessa, several years of solitude followed, until a Russian waitress and a part-time actress, model and professional musician were next to the actor. Subsequently, she became the first wife of Timothy Dalton, Oksana Grigorieva. A week before the birth of their first child, lovers secretly married. In 1997 they had a son, Alexander. At that time Dalton was 51 years old.

For the sake of his wife Timothy Dalton began to learn her native language. Perhaps, this was one of the signs of his great love for his wife. But the happiness was not as long as the film house wanted. In 2007, the couple divorced. As it turned out later, the personal life of actor Timothy Dalton was not so cloudless. His wife was convicted of treason with one Swedish tycoon Peter Blomquist. A shocking fact was the news that meetings with her lover Oksana spent in their own house. By the way, after the divorce the woman found consolations in the arms of another Hollywood handsome, Mel Gibson.

The latest news of Timothy Dalton's personal life

As you know, a painful divorce did not prevent the actor from seeing his only son, Alexander, whom he adores often. As the opportunity arises, the caring father spends time with his first-born. They regularly go fishing, forgetting everything in the world. Moreover, already aged, but the same elegant man maintains a warm relationship with his ex-wife. Taking care of his 19 year old son, Timothy Dalton forgot about his personal life.

Continuing a quiet reclusive life, he devotes his free time to his favorite hobbies: fishing, reading, opera and jazz. In addition, more Timothy Dalton children have no plans to start. A gallant aristocrat decided to remain true to his bachelor convictions.

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