Day of the angel Julia

Julia is an Eastern European female name that occurs in their ancient Greek or Latin. Ancient Greek variant means "fluffy", "wavy", Latin - "July" or "one that is of the genus Julius". An interesting fact: in Scandinavia children are called Julia or Julius, born in December. After all, "jul" means "Christmas".

Name days of Julia on the Orthodox calendar

Day of the angel named Julia is celebrated in all seasons, except autumn. In winter it is December 17, January 3 and January 15; in the spring - on 16 and 31 May ; most of the name day at Julia in the summer - on July 19 and 29, on August 30 and 31. Name Julia in the church calendar glorifies the pious princess Juliana Vyazemskaya and Novotorzhskaya; righteous Juliana merciful, Lazarevskaya, Murom; the martyr Juliana of Pontus; the martyr of the virgin Julius Ankirskaya; the girl Juliana Olyysansky; Julianus of Moscow and others.

Most of all in the church calendar is honored Julia (Juliana, Julia) Carthaginian (Corsican). Her name day is celebrated on July 29.

The main features of the character of the birthday girl Julia

One of the main features of Julia's character is sociability. To its merits can be attributed well-developed intuition and creative inclinations.

Julia differs constancy in the mood, but, in addition, vulnerability and resentment. A girl with that name often comes into dispute and very rarely is able to admit her mistake. Usually Julia is compassionate and very vulnerable.

Most bearers of this name successfully marry. The family becomes the basis, the whole meaning of its existence. With her husband Julia quarrels rarely, they live amicably. Dedicates a lot of effort and diligence to housekeeping. Very hospitable, excellent preparation. Julia will always regret in a difficult moment, but she will also share joy, without feeling a feeling of envy at the same time.

Julia passionately loves to read. She is fond of it herself and tries to win over her husband and children.

About herself Julia tells a little, prefers to listen carefully to the interlocutor. For which the latter is always sincerely grateful to her. Out of Yulia's shortcomings one can distinguish secrecy, excessive caution, indecision, capriciousness.

Julia is a very good, accurate and executive employee. A profession should be chosen by vocation, in it she is able to express herself and move up the career ladder. But Julia will not work for extra hours. Sometimes she can refuse work in favor of housekeeping and will feel fine at the same time.