Masks against hair loss

For some reason, it was always thought that the problem of hair loss is a purely male concern. Whether because women are embarrassed to talk about it, whether talking about it is simply not accepted in women's companies, but this problem exists and worries more than one thousand women.

The causes of hair loss can be a huge number. To influence the environment on a global scale, we are unlikely to be able, as well as to resist the almost inevitable spring avitaminosis. But here is to prepare your hair for stressful situations, to always be fully armed to combat hair loss - it's in our power. And help us in this our permanent assistants - masks. Or rather, a mask against hair loss.

Today in pharmacies and stores, in salons and in the markets, there are a huge number of different masks against hair loss on any type of hair and the size of the purse. Practically each of them promises to the customer, almost a thick, shiny hair shave after the first use.

But who will give a guarantee that after using such "miracle tools" will not only get worse? It is better to use natural masks against hair loss, that is, those made with their own hands of natural ingredients. In this article, your choice will be presented several recipes for masks against hair loss - that's up to you.

Mask of burdock oil

The most important folk remedy for hair loss at all times was considered burdock oil. Buy natural burdock oil in any pharmacy. You just need to rub it with massage movements into the roots of the hair, then warm your head and wait 30 minutes. Then wash the head in the usual way. Repeat the procedure once or twice a week, and soon you will forget about the hair left on your pillow, like a terrible dream.

Honey mask against hair loss

Get rid of the problem of falling out well helps the honey mask. And it's very easy to prepare: boiled water is cooled to a temperature of 50 degrees and honey added to it, based on 2 tablespoons of honey per liter of water. This water is rubbed into the scalp 2-3 times a week.

Vitamin mask

For oily hair is well suited to the vitamin mask. To prepare it, you need one egg and vitamin B1 (B6) in ampoules of 1ml. You can buy it at any pharmacy. Mix the egg well with the vitamin and apply it to the hair. The mixture must be washed after an hour.

Effective mask against hair loss from horseradish

A mask of fresh horseradish will also help you keep your hair. You need to take 200 g of fresh horseradish roots and grate them. (yes, you will have to cry a little, but beauty - requires sacrifice!) This gruel must be applied to the roots of hair and held for 20 minutes, then smsnm with warm water. Horseradish improves blood circulation, and, hence, the flow of blood into the bulbs of the hair.

Potato mask against strong hair loss

Potatoes. Well, where without it? He did not stay aside this time. Among home masks against hair loss, the mask of potatoes does not take the last place. Rub one medium potato on a grater and squeeze out the resulting juice. Add two tablespoons of aloe juice and a tablespoon of honey. Stir and apply on the scalp 2 times a week. In this case, you need to wear a cellophane shower cap and wrap your head around with a towel. Leave the mask for 2 hours, and then rinse with warm water.

Decoction of burdock roots

And finally, we will share with you a recipe for the decoction of burdock roots, rinsing hair that will fix the effect of the procedures.

Annuals, or rather their roots, are excavated in late autumn. After the roots have dried, prepare a decoction: the roots are ground, poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:10 and boiled for 10-15 minutes. After this, you need to insist a decoction for several hours and you can rinse them hair after each washing of the head.

Be sure that after applying these tips in practice, the problem of hair loss will remain for you in the past!