Why does not the dog eat?

The reasons for this behavior of your pet may be several. This is very disturbing to the caring owner, who wants to quickly sort out and help his dog. Usually, hunger tells the body itself that it is necessary to replenish energy reserves. But here you are trying to apply different tricks, but the dog still does not want to eat. What could be the reason for a persistent lack of appetite?

Possible reasons for refusing to eat

  1. Such behavior can cause a dental disease, broken teeth. The pain in the mouth is not very conducive to good appetite.
  2. Various ear infections also provoke a loss of interest in food, especially if it is hard, and it requires something to gnaw. Often, such diseases can become chronic and be associated with allergies in dogs . You need to look at the behavior of the pet and eliminate the causes.
  3. If the dog does not eat and this is accompanied by vomiting, then it is possible that it has poisoned. It is better to immediately contact the veterinarian and begin treatment so as not to aggravate the situation. Many drugs also cause nausea.
  4. Sometimes the reason for refusing to eat food is that it is simply of poor quality or too salted. Change the feed and see if she will return her appetite.
  5. If the dog is sluggish and does not eat anything, it is difficult for her to breathe, trembling in the body, physical activity has decreased, this is a signal about a possible disease. She obviously has something to be sick and it also affects the appetite. It is better not to delay and refer to a doctor.
  6. Chemotherapy or peptic ulcer disease also does not contribute to the desire to eat.
  7. The dog often does not eat for a long time after the operation. For some time, it can not be fed at all, especially if it was in the abdominal cavity. At first, feed it with liquid, light and nutritious food. It is better to do this often, but in small portions. All that the dog does not have enough to clean, and next time give fresh food. If taking any medication caused loss of appetite, then you should immediately consult a doctor to discuss further treatment.
  8. It happens that a pregnant dog does not eat. It can be caused by toxicosis. Usually it lasts two or three weeks, and it is not dangerous for the mother or her future offspring. It can also be accompanied by strong thirst, vomiting, oppression, the appearance of yellow foam from the mouth during vomiting. If the toxemia is very severe and appeared in the second half of pregnancy, then it's best to contact the veterinarian for advice.
  9. What to do when the dog does not eat after delivery ? If she eats the afterbirth, then the famine will only appear in about five hours. But when and after the expiration of this time, she stubbornly refuses to eat, then you need to call a veterinarian, otherwise she can quickly die. From the proper nutrition depends also the life of her puppies, and it should include a complex of necessary vitamins and minerals.

As you have already understood, there are many reasons why a dog does not eat. First, do not worry, maybe she just ate a lot during the previous meal. But persistent refusal of food throughout the day can already adversely affect her health. Then you need to look for the cause of the disease and turn to an experienced doctor.