Why does the child have red cheeks?

Quite often mothers observe such a phenomenon as redness of cheeks in a baby. However, not everyone is trying to understand this situation, writing off this for individual features or for banal overheating.

Why do cheeks blush in babies?

The reasons for the redness of the cheeks in the child are quite a lot. The most frequent of them are:

So, the most harmless of the reasons listed above is, so-called weathering. Often mothers, especially in the cold season, note that after walking the kid's cheeks turn red. In order to prevent this phenomenon, it is sufficient to lubricate the baby's cheeks with a child's protective cream before going out onto the street. Also, recently cases of cold allergy have increased , resulting in cheeks strongly reddening.

Special attention deserves such a phenomenon as diathesis, which in most cases explains why the child's cheeks turn red. In such cases, this reaction is observed after introducing a new product into the baby's diet.

In those cases when the child has hot, red, or even burgundy cheeks, and they blush in the evening, you need to think about the development of colds. In this case, it is enough to measure the temperature of the body in order to clarify the situation. In addition, this kind of redness can also be caused by an allergic reaction.

Such a symptom as the crimson cheeks of a child can talk about the presence in the body of a baby of a cardiovascular system. This phenomenon is observed, in particular, in pathology such as anomaly of the development of the heart - a functioning oval window, in which the arterial blood is mixed with the venous.

What if the kid's cheeks turn red?

With redness of the cheeks in the baby, the mother first thing is to eliminate the catarrhal disease, for which it is enough to measure the temperature of the body. If it is raised, and is 38.5 degrees, it is necessary to give an antipyretic.

In cases where redness is caused by diathesis, it is sufficient to exclude the allergenic product from the baby's diet.

If there are suspicions of heart disease, you need to contact a pediatrician who will prescribe an ultrasound of the heart.