Burdock leaves

In folk medicine, the leaves of burdock or burdock are widely used to treat hair. This is due to the special qualities of the plant.

Useful qualities of a plant

The plant contains the following components:

Thanks to this the burdock effectively repairs damaged hair rods, strengthens bulbs, stimulates the growth of strands and provides a silky shine.

How to use burlap leaves?

For growth, as well as strengthening hair, you can use a decoction of burdock leaves.

The recipe for broth


Preparation and use

Raw materials are steamed with boiling water and continue to heat for 10 minutes over low heat. After this, you need to withstand the broth for another half an hour, so that he breweth thoroughly. It is recommended to use the decoction as a rinse aid after washing. In the case of seborrhea, it can be rubbed into the roots 2-3 times a week.

For the hair, juice, wrung from the leaves of burdock and roots, is no less effective. Raw materials are wiped through a fine grater and carefully squeezed. The resulting fresh is diluted with ordinary water in a proportion of 1: 2. Rubbing the solution into the roots of the hair, you can quickly heal the strands, give them silky.

It is not necessary to use only burdock for hair. It fits perfectly with other ingredients. For example, you can prepare a mask for hair from a piece of burdock and onion juice.

The recipe for a mask


Preparation and use

First prepare the broth from the mug, using the above recipe. The bulb is wiped through a grater and pressed fresh. In a ready broth agrimony add a teaspoon of vodka and onion juice. The product is rubbed into the roots of the hair and the head is wrapped up in heat. You can wash off in half an hour. It is recommended for hair loss .