Edema of the upper eyelid - causes

The upper eyelid can swell for various reasons. With swelling, the skin over the eye is full of fluid and increases in size. Very often, the severity of puffiness is underestimated and left unattended, which experts do not strongly recommend.

The reasons for the swelling of the upper eyelids

Edema can have inflammatory, non-inflammatory and allergic origin:

  1. Because of inflammation, the eyelids turn red and become hot. With palpation, pain can be felt. A detailed examination under the skin reveals a small seal, which besides barley causes such ailments as conjunctivitis, blepharitis, abscess of lacrimal gland, iridocyclitis , acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections, rhinitis.
  2. The causes of non-inflammatory edema of the upper eyelid often become kidney and cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Puffiness in allergic reactions is mostly one-sided and painless. There is a swelling suddenly and just disappears. As a rule, allergy causes insect bites, plant pollen, animal hair, and the intake of certain medications.

Sometimes the swelling of the upper eyelid appears due to trauma. True, while the skin over the eye becomes bluish, and directly in the place of the bruise is formed a bruise and visible splinter vessels.

The wrong way of life affects the condition of the skin negatively. Abuse of nicotine, alcohol and unhealthy food, constant lack of sleep often can also be the cause of redness and swelling over the eyes.

But this is not all the reasons for the swelling of the upper eyelids in the morning. The problem also appears due to:

How to deal with edema of the upper eyelid?

First you need to determine the origin of the edema. If the cause of the allergic reaction, antihistamines will help. Antibacterial agents will remove inflammatory puffiness. And non-inflammatory swelling can be eliminated by rubbing and cold lotions.

Cosmetologists are not bad at solving the problem. But it is important to understand that the massage is intended solely to eliminate external signs of swelling. The reason for their appearance will not cure the procedure. Therefore, consultations of cosmetologists should still prefer the advice of professional medics.