Foot massage

Massage of the feet is an excellent opportunity to relax and restore health. Massage of separate parts of the foot is able to relieve a strong tension with the central nervous system and have a relaxing effect on the entire body thanks to a reflex connection with muscles and organs. There is also a feedback: if any body malfunctions, the skin of the corresponding site on the foot can peel, blush, crack.

What is useful for foot massage?

First, the impact on the reflex points, which we'll talk about a little later.

Secondly, improvement of the blood supply of the legs. It is because of poor blood supply that many people feel cold in their limbs, they often get cold and get sick.

Third, the foot massage tones the muscles that tighten the arch. This is especially important for people suffering from flat feet, as well as for those whose work is associated with constant movement.

Fourth, the massage relieves tension from the central nervous system, that is, allows a person to relax after a hard day. In a world of great stress, foot massage is one of the factors that prevent nerve strains and breakdowns. Athletes also should not abandon the massage: overstrained from training muscles, relaxation and recovery is simply necessary.

The connection of the foot points with the body

Now we will examine with which organs separate parts of the feet are connected:

How to do foot massage?

Many, in a fit to please your loved one, enthusiastically take up rubbing and massaging your feet. It is very simple to overdo it in a massage, so it is necessary first of all to think about how to properly massage your feet. First, you need to remember a few sensitive areas of the soles of the feet, which are painful for almost all people. These are the areas between the toes and the middle of the heel. It is believed that the skin on the heel is coarser, and therefore requires more pressure. This is true, but it is worth remembering that in the middle of the heel from the sole side there is a rather delicate area (just connected with the zones of the genital organs), so the strong pressure on it is painful. Between the fingers, the skin is more tender than the coarser skin on the side of the sole touching the floor surface.

Secondly, when massaging the legs, be consistent:

Such a relaxing foot massage will bring great pleasure to your loved ones and relieve fatigue and nervous tension.