How to manage your emotions?

Present time is a period of continuous stresses, anxieties, family troubles and money issues. And it's so hard sometimes to keep calm. Ability to manage their emotions is not subject to everyone, because many, trying to ensure financial stability of themselves, and their children, just do not have time to think about it.

Speaking frankly, each person is the primary cause of the generation of his positive or negative emotions. No circumstances are involved here. Let's try to analyze how to manage your emotions and how emotions control the brain, thereby creating moral problems.

Let's consider an example: let's say that they insulted one person, it really offended him and at heart he wants to take revenge on the offender. Insulted someone else - he, in turn, of course, is upset, but strive to understand how to improve the imperfections of the world, in which people have forgotten how sincerely to respect each other. This suggests that it depends only on the person himself, whether he will allow emotions to control his health, mood.

So, according to sociologists, more than half of the families in modern countries of the world are exposed to constant conflict situations that arise for different reasons, but manifest themselves in one common - in instantly emotionally uncontrollable manifestations, about which the majority regret.

How to learn how to manage your emotions?

The desire to understand how to learn how to manage one's emotions arises from the fact that uncontrollable experiences, indifference or lack of emotional enthusiasm can worsen the relationship.

There are three main ways that help both change and learn how to control emotions:

  1. Change the concentration object. What you are focused on is your reality. Change what brings you loss, and you will learn how to manage your emotional state.
  2. Beliefs. Our beliefs influence the information that we allow to be allowed into our consciousness. They influence our attitudes towards events, facts, etc., which means that they have an effect on whether the person is offended or not.
  3. Physiology. It has long been known, and it is practiced in yoga that the position of the body, breathing can influence emotions and feelings. Physiology gives rise to thoughts and emotions. Work on your gestures. Smile more often, learn to relax your body.

Do not forget that emotions are energy, and only from the attitude of a person to certain situations, etc., depends whether it will be positive for him, whether she will become for him a motivational push to positive changes in his life.