Roof thermal insulation

Thermal insulation for the roof of the house is necessary to avoid heat leakage, provide energy savings and reduce heating costs. Mineral wool is the most popular and affordable material for roof insulation. Its installation is easy to produce independently on the finished crate.

Thermal insulation of the roof from the inside

To conduct the insulation of the roof of the house with their own hands will need:

Master Class

  1. A roll of mineral wool rolls out. The rack is pressed against the floor and the required length of the piece is cut off.
  2. First, the insulation is laid between the rafters and the wall.
  3. Racks are stuffed on rafters, they will additionally keep minvat. Used a drill and long self-tapping screws.
  4. Then the distance between the rafters is measured, the heater is cut a few centimeters wider. Fits between the formwork of the gates.
  5. Minvata fits into two layers.
  6. Additional fixation of the heater from sagging is done with the help of a garden thread, which is attached to the rafters by a construction gun.
  7. Minvata fits into the pass-through membrane of the roof.
  8. Gradually, this way, each span of the roof is laid.
  9. On top of the stack one more layer of insulation. A thin layer of mineral wool is placed between the horizontal crate, fastened with threads and a construction gun to the wood.
  10. After laying the third layer of mineral wool, the insulation is finished.

After that, you can do the vapor barrier and the finish.

As you can see, if you correctly make the roof insulation, the microclimate in the house will become healthy, and staying in it will be as comfortable as possible.