Sean Penn is close to the criminal world of Mexico?

So it turns out that the famous Hollywood actor Sean Penn now and then gives reasons for scandals. This time he drew the attention of the White House to him by going to a secret meeting with the drug baron from Mexico El Chapo (real name Joaquin Guzman) in order to take a scandalous interview with him. According to the results of the conversation with the runaway criminal Penn prepared an article that appeared on the pages of the publication Rolling Stone.

Recognition or remorse?

If we talk briefly about the content of the interview, then in it "Shorty" (as the Spanish translates the nickname of a Mexican) told the Oscar-winning actor that he is the most influential supplier of drugs in the world! Previously, El Chapo from this disowned, as soon as he could. Moreover, the curator of the shadow world frankly told Penn about the details of his escape from the dungeon last summer.

Of course, the meeting of the actor and the drug dealer took place in a secret place, most likely in Mexico. Assistance in the organization of the interview was provided by Penn's colleague in the acting department, Keith del Castillo.

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It is interesting to note that the publication, published in the cult magazine, eventually played into the hands of the feds! El Chapo was arrested by them outside the United States.

The White House has a lot of claims to the actors

Sean Penn and Keith del Castillo immediately fell into the list of unreliable citizens. They arose a lot of questions from law enforcement agencies and the United States, and Mexico.

Penn himself claims that he is clean before the law and he has absolutely nothing to hide, but it seems that his troubles have just begun.