Sex without obligations

In life there are different situations and sometimes the relationship takes on a special character . The subject of our article is sex without obligations, and today we will talk about it.

In fact, in meetings for sex without obligations there should be nothing reprehensible. After all, first of all, having sex without obligations means to receive no less pleasure than making love while being in a relationship. If you are sure that you are ready for this - do not deny yourself the pleasure.

Just sex without obligations

Employment of sex brings pleasure and the release of endorphins. A huge plus of sex at times without commitment is that you can not only bring variety to your sex life, but also open new boundaries and preferences for yourself. If you know that it is unlikely that you will ever meet with your partner, then for sure you can relax and open up completely, without being embarrassed by the most secret desires. But even if you decide on such an adventure, do not forget simple rules that will help you avoid negative and unpleasant consequences.

  1. Care for a partner . If you are in a relationship with another person, think about whether it's worth betraying your soul mate for the sake of one-off pleasure? After all, not everyone is able to forgive the betrayal of a loved one. And if you decide to hide everything from him, will not you be gnawing at the feeling of guilt, will it be comfortable for you to continue the relationship by hiding your betrayal? That is why sex without obligations is acceptable only between free people.
  2. Friendship is not a problem for sex . Unfortunately, in a state of loneliness, people are able to hyperbolize their feelings. Friends always support in difficult situations, substitute their shoulder for tears, and in such moments care and help may seem like love, and friendly embraces - physical attraction and sexual desire. Try not to be guided by your own emotions, because sex without obligations can spoil the relationship between you.
  3. Sex and alcohol . It's not a secret for anyone that alcohol liberates and becomes a stimulant of rash decisions. Therefore, if you are in a state of intoxication and decide on free sex without obligations, it is important not to lose your head and control the situation. In order not to experience disappointment, the partner should be chosen in an adequate sober state.

How to offer sex without obligations?

Sex without obligations for men is very attractive. We have prepared several practical tips that will help men achieve the desired result and take possession of the girl, and we, the girls, recognize a potential partner for sex without commitment.

  1. If suddenly you have the opportunity, try to kiss a girl by chance. If she moves away - do not be obtrusive, just apologize to her. In the absence of resistance, you can try to move to more active and decisive action.
  2. Try to say it directly. This version of the series "pan or disappeared." If you think that in another way it will not work, then it's worth taking a chance. We warn at once, almost one hundred percent of what any girl will refuse, even if your desires coincide, so wait for a while, start courting her, invite to a date and return to the first point.
  3. Every girl loves ears, as everyone knows. Try to express your desire through beautiful words. Try saying something like this: "Sweetheart, you drive me crazy and cause very strong emotions. I like you in every sense of the word, I want you. " This will the logical continuation of a romantic dinner for slow relaxing music.

Precautionary measures

If you still decided to have sex without commitment, be sure to remember about the protection. Always keep your head on your shoulders and remember about safety, not a single night is not worth the problems that can arise afterwards. Be sure to warn friends, with whom and where you go, just in case. Keep the means of protection with you and insist on using them.