Treatment with garlic

Do you think that an unpretentious vegetable garden with a sharp taste and a sharp smell can be valued in weight of gold? Do you think not? But in vain. Such a high price once in ancient times had ordinary garlic. The peoples of different countries used it as a panacea for many serious diseases, wore garlic necklaces around their necks as amulets, attributed magical properties to this vegetable. Modern folk medicine also widely practices garlic treatment of various colds, insect bites, lead poisoning and heavy metals, pulmonary tuberculosis and even cancer. And whence the garlic takes its healing power, and what potions can be prepared from it, this article will be discussed.

What is the healing power of garlic?

So, that garlic treats many serious diseases, it is known for ages. But here is what his healing power is, they learned just recently. This secret was solved by the doctor of medical sciences of the Jerusalem research institute professor Mirelman. It turned out that the root of the magic action of garlic is in allicin - a special substance capable of killing and devouring pathogenic microbes simply on a giant scale. This explains why eating this root helps to strengthen immunity, helps not to get sick during epidemics of influenza and acute respiratory disease, accelerates the recovery process in patients with cold and viral diseases. But this is not all garlic wealth.

The chemical composition of the plant includes magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, iodine, selenium, germanium, zinc and about another hundred minerals. In addition, garlic is rich in vitamins of group B and C, essential and fatty oils, vegetable carbohydrates and phytoncides. Such a rich composition allows to assert that garlic is an effective medicine of the widest spectrum of action. In addition, according to Professor Merleman, even people with high secretion of gastric juice can eat garlic, as it would seem that burning garlic juice does not damage the mucous membrane of the sick stomach at all. On the contrary, it helps to heal ulcers and erosions.

The above properties of the plant also suggest that garlic treats not only colds, but also cardiac, gastric, musculoskeletal and metabolic diseases. And in order not to be unfounded, we cite some folk remedies for treating garlic.

Treatment of garlic, recipes of traditional medicine

It should be noted that not only garlic is used for healing of various ailments, but its mixtures with other medicinal plants and food components. For example, heart disease often treats tincture of garlic with vodka or other alcoholic beverages. Diseases of the digestive organs are well suited to treatment with honey and garlic. And such ancient Egyptian means, as citrine - treatment with garlic and lemon, gives muscular strength and strengthens immunity. Well, now the actual recipes.

1. Citrine, or treatment with garlic and lemon

Take 4 ripe lemon, 3 heads of garlic and 2 liters of chilled boiled water. Lemons scald and momentarily dip into cold water. Then cut each of them in half and squeeze out all the juice into a vessel. Leave the remaining crusts and membranes through a meat grinder with peeled garlic. Then, add the lemon juice and water to the lemon-garlic mixture, cover the container with 4-layer gauze and take it to the refrigerator for 2 days. After this time, extract the infusion, and take 1/4 glasses 30 minutes before breakfast every day. Medicines last for 40 days, take a break from 14 days and repeat the course again. This drug strengthens the immune system and cardiovascular system, improves metabolism, increases vitality, clears the body of toxins and toxins.

2. Treatment of garlic and milk from insomnia

Take 2-3 small cloves of garlic, crush them as small as possible, and pour a glass of hot milk. Then put the art. a spoon of meadow or willow honey. Stir thoroughly and drink right before bedtime.

3. Honey-honey tincture from atherosclerosis

On a small grater, grate the large head of garlic and mix it with approximately equal in amount of honey. Pour a mixture of 1 liter of water and insist in a sealed container for 2 days. Then take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

There are also many excellent recipes based on garlic. Of these, whole volumes are composed. But, even using these 3, you will significantly improve your health and strengthen your body. Good luck and health.