Constipation in early pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most surprising, but at the same time a difficult time. A woman learns about her new position, rejoices, thinks about the baby, about how their further life together will develop, much is drawn to her at that moment in rainbow colors.

But, unfortunately, already in the early stages of pregnancy, many are constipated, bringing considerable discomfort to the future mother. Why it arises, and how to deal with it, we will try to find out now.

What causes constipation in pregnant women in the early stages?

The blame for all this is a sharp increase in progesterone - a hormone that is responsible for bearing a pregnancy. Its action is aimed at relaxing the smooth muscles, and it is from it that the walls of the intestine are composed. That is, although the uterus does not come into tonus due to the influence of the hormone, it acts quite aggressively on the remaining organs.

In addition to the hormonal component, constipation during pregnancy at an early stage occurs as a consequence of toxicosis. A woman is nauseous, does not even want to look at food, post-eating food, vomiting occurs, along with which the body loses a large amount of fluid.

That is, there is an insignificant amount of food, and there is simply no way for the masses to form themselves. And the liquid component, which certainly participates in regular emptying, is reduced to nothing.

Negative effect of constipation on the body of a pregnant woman

Constipation is a rare bowel movement - less than 2-3 times a week. In addition to pain and constant discomfort in the abdomen, the risk of anal fissures and hemorrhoids increases substantially , which pregnant women are already inclined to.

In addition to unpleasant sensations, in the early stages of pregnancy, prolonged constipation can provoke miscarriage. This is possible because of the excessive accumulation of gases that irritate the nearby walls of the uterus. In addition, with the already existing tone, prolonged sitting on the toilet in an attempt to emptying only worsens the situation, exacerbating the threat of miscarriage.

Without timely evacuation, putrefactive processes in the intestine result in severe intoxication, that is, poisoning the body with the products of decay. This can not in any way affect positively the fetus, and the situation with toxicosis will only worsen.

Untreated constipation often leads to active propagation of pathogenic microflora in the intestine, which leads to colpitis and the problem of bearing and childbirth.

What to do with constipation in the early stages of pregnancy?

As it turned out, untimely defecation is not so harmless. Therefore, during pregnancy at an early age, a woman needs treatment. Since in this difficult period most drugs are contraindicated, one should choose those that do not harm the fetus.

Prevention is always better than treatment, and therefore, the main thing that should be done at the first sign of pregnancy is to completely reconsider your diet. The most important is to drink during this period at least one and a half or two liters of clean water a day. It is important to start the day with a glass of cool liquid with a few drops of lemon juice.

In addition to liquid, every day fresh fruits, vegetables and juices must be present on the pregnant table. They are a natural source of pectins and fiber required for constipation. Prunes and red beets are especially useful. Sour-milk products, bran, oatmeal and compotes with dried fruits are an excellent choice for a healthy diet for every day.

Of the medicines that can be used from the first weeks of pregnancy - candles with glycerin, Dufallac syrup and microclamation Microlax. This does not mean that you can use them uncontrollably - all appointments should be conducted by the doctor.