How does black pepper grow?

Everyone knows the black pepper has its history from very ancient times. It once became one of the first Indian spices, after conquering Europe, beginning with Rome and Ancient Greece.

Where does black pepper grow?

It is clear that the birthplace of such a plant as black pepper is India, or more precisely - its south-west coast. There it is a classic spice, obtained by their fruits of a tree-like liana.

Over time, pepper was imported to Indonesia and other countries of southeast Asia. Later he got to Africa and America. Today it is grown in Java, Sri Lanka, Borneo, Sumatra and Brazil .

When asked where black pepper grows in Russia, it can be answered that it can be cultivated everywhere if the conditions are met. It is often grown right on the windowsill, and it is better to do this on the eastern and western windows.

How does black pepper grow?

Black pepper is a typical tropical plant. It refers to tree lianas from the pepper family. The height can reach six meters. In the wild in the woods, the liana twines the trees, and on the plantations special supports are built for it.

The first fruits appear three years after planting. Get spice after picking unripe red berries, which are dried in the sun for a week. It is during the drying process that the berries turn black.

If you collect the ripe fruits (they become yellow-red), after drying and cleaning the outer shell, you will get white pepper. It has a more delicate taste, strong and noble aroma.

If you collect absolutely green unripe fruits, you will get the most fragrant of all the peppers. True, it requires a special processing technology.

As for the sharpness of pepper, this taste depends on the content of piperine in it. In addition to it, pepper contains substances such as starch, essential oil, havicin, fatty oils, pyrolyn and sugar. If the stored pepper is stored incorrectly, essential oils from it evaporate.