How old is Tom Cruise?

Celebrities pay great attention to their appearance, as it is a kind of working tool, as well as a means for making money. Sometimes a glance at a famous person is not enough to determine his age. A striking example of this is the Hollywood actor Tom Cruise. He does not look older than his 30-year-old colleagues, although in reality he is already over fifty. The age of Tom Cruise is not a secret, but the latter are many in the actor's hands.

All problems - come from childhood

A confident, successful actor was not always like that. He was born in the family of an engineer and actress, becoming the third child in the account. The future TV star appeared in Siracusa in July 1962. The Cruz family led a semi-nomadic way of life, because in the search for a livelihood, parents constantly changed their place of residence. Of course, in pursuit of a piece of bread, they were not up to the children, who constantly lacked attention. When Thomas was eleven years old, his parents decided to divorce. This event is permanently imprinted in the memory of the boy, who was looking for the reason for the parents' divorce in themselves. At first he decided to overcome dyslexia . This ailment Thomas inherited from his mother, who read badly, skipping whole words in the texts. The illness prevented the child from doing well in school, but he managed to overcome himself by finishing it with good marks. Then there was the college, which helped Thomas decide on the future. Taking part in the productions of the drama club, he dreamed of a big stage and a movie. At the same time, he did not tire of doing self-criticism. He considered himself short and tried to smile less, so as not to show unruffled teeth to others.

Nineteen is the age that Tom Cruise has turned into. In 1981, he was noticed and invited to shoot the first film in his life, giving the opportunity to play an episodic role. Two years later, it was time for the main role. The film "Infinite Love" was made by Thomas, who reduced his name to Tom, known. In 1985, the screenshots of the picture "Best shooter", which is more known to the domestic audience by the name "Top Gan". At the age of twenty-three, Tom Cruise became an official millionaire, earning two million dollars as a fee. Now on the actor's account more than fifty roles, most of which are successful. However, he still did not get rid of the complex, which, apparently, will pursue him for the rest of his life. It's about growth, which for a man, if you look at generally accepted standards, and the truth is not enough.

A little about the innermost

How many years could you give Tom Cruise now? Photos from the world premiere of films, various festivals and social events that the actor attends are amazing, because Tom looks like he is not more than thirty years old. In fact, the idol of millions in the summer of 2015 turned fifty-three! Despite his age, Tom Cruise, whose height is 165 centimeters, and weight - 71 kilograms, looks wonderful.

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By the way, some sources indicate that the growth of the actor is greater. It varies from 170 to 172 centimeters. However, in the network there are enough photos on which he is portrayed with ex-wives - Nicole Kidman and Cathy Holmes, whose growth is 180 and 175 centimeters respectively. Women look above him even in shoes without heels.