Tenderizer for meat

Not so long ago, the creators of kitchen utensils pleased gourmets with a new device for beating meat - a trender. But what is hidden behind this tricky name? What is this new kitchen miracle that can turn a piece of the hardest meat into a tender chop? What for the user will differ the procedure for loosening the meat from the trendy one from the usual beating of all? In this material, we will try to open this topic as widely as possible, give recommendations on choosing a tenderer for your kitchen.

How it works?

The principle of the tenderder (softener) is piercing the meat with needles when pressing its working handle. At the base of the device there is a supporting surface in which holes for the needles are made. Each time the user presses the handle of the device, they penetrate through them, which pierce a piece of meat through (depending on the thickness of the meat and the length of the needles). This description applies only to a manual meat tenderer, but, in addition to the modification presented, mechanical and electrical options of the device still exist. Mechanical meat tenderer is a stationary device that is attached to the table like a manual meat grinder. It is equipped with two needle rollers, through which the meat is passed through after they are driven by circular rotations of the handle of the device. The next variation of this device is an electric tender for softening meat. The principle of its construction is in many respects similar to a mechanical analog, but the spiked beads are driven by an electric motor.

Advantages of the tenderer

It should immediately be noted that piercing and beating the meat with a hammer are two completely different processes. During the beating, the structure of the product undergoes significant changes (numerous fiber breaks), after which it loses most of the liquid contained inside even before the frying process begins. And when the broken piece falls on the frying pan, then through the tissue ruptures the fluid literally flows out. The result is obvious - dry meat, in which there is practically no juice as such. But when processing a piece of meat with a tenderer through the puncture of the juice is lost much less. In addition, through these "pores" inside your future steak or chop will get much more spices . The best option is to press the tenderender several times and then drop it into the marinade. Then the meat, like a sponge, will absorb all the spices and liquid. So, what do we get when purchasing this device? Firstly, always soft, juicy and very tender meat, regardless of the size of the piece. Secondly, there is a much faster cooking process, because through the holes left by the needle of the tenderer, more heat gets into the inside, which means that the roasting itself will be more even.

Choose a tenderer

To begin with, it is worth saying that the choice of a home tender is worth doing only between manual and mechanical variation of the device. Automatic meat softeners are most often used in professional kitchens. For home use is quite enough and a hand-held compact tenderer. With its help to prepare meat for frying, you will have to leave just a few minutes, so buying more productive devices is not advisable.

Is it worth buying a tenderer in general? If you do not belong to vegetarians, it certainly stands. Meat dishes cooked with the help of a tenderer will always be exceptionally juicy and tasty, and you will have a little more free time.