Vietnamese pancakes "Nem"

Pancakes "Nem" are one of the traditional national dishes of Vietnam. They look like our pancakes, only smaller, and the filling is not wrapped in the usual dough, but in "rice paper" - tiny pancakes made from rice flour. If you like to try something new and unusual, get acquainted with the kitchens of other peoples, we recommend you to try the Vietnamese pancakes "Nam". Of course, you can go to a Chinese restaurant or cafe and try this dish there, or you can cook it at home. Ingredients can be found in any large supermarket or specialized store. And we will tell you the recipes for the preparation of Vietnamese pancakes.

Vietnamese rice pancakes



You can change the number of ingredients for the filling yourself, increasing or decreasing the quantity of this or that product. So, let's skip the meat through a meat grinder or cut into small cubes. Wood mushrooms and rice noodles must be previously soaked in boiling water, and then wring out and add to the meat. Onion cut into small cubes, carrots rub on a large grater. Now one nuance: actually in the classic recipe of Vietnamese pancakes "He" does not need to be fried in advance, but to soothe it, you can lightly tinkle it with onion and carrots in a frying pan. So you will be calmer, because the filling will be exactly ready. Now, to the total mass, we add sprouts of mung bean, crushed coriander greens, egg. Solim, pepper to taste, and thoroughly mix everything. Now take a sheet of rice paper moistened in warm water, in the middle we spread the filling and turn off like cabbage rolls. Fry these pancakes in a large amount of vegetable oil until golden brown. During the frying pancakes all the time you need to turn over so that they evenly browned from all sides. That's all, bon appetit!