Why does a child sweat when he suckles?

Breastfeeding is very important for every baby. But sometimes it is accompanied by strange symptoms: the baby is covered with a real sweat during feeding. This mother can not help but be wary of this, so we will study in more detail why the child sweats when it sucks.

The most important causes of this condition

Although sweat glands begin to function in the baby from the first days of life, however, their function is not developed well enough. Therefore, the thermoregulation is not sufficient, and the body temperature of the crumb can rise sharply above the permissible 36-37 degrees. This leads to the fact that the child sweats heavily when intensively sucking the breast. Among the main causes of this condition are the following:

  1. Possible rickets caused by a lack of vitamin D in the body. However, in case of this disease the child should wake up in sweat and after sleep, and not just during meals, be irritable and moody, do not sleep well. If your child has no such symptoms, and there is no bald spot on the back of the head, insufficient or excessive gain in weight, sternum deformity, problems with fern rooting and teething, the expert will confirm to you that the child sweats when it sucks, not from for this disease.
  2. Not all mothers know that breastfeeding for a baby is not only a pleasure, but also a difficult physical work. To get milk, he needs to try very hard, and this leads to a slight increase in body temperature. Therefore, it is not surprising that your son or daughter is sweating when he or she sucks. In addition, it prevents overheating of the brain.
  3. If your child has recently had a viral or infectious disease, or if his mother does not have enough milk, it is understandable that the baby will also have to put a lot of effort into getting enough. This contributes to the fact that the baby sweats when he sucks his breast for a long time.
  4. The hungry crumb comes to such delight, if after several hours they put it to the mother's breast, this is accompanied by a real psycho-emotional surge. Therefore, the thermometer's column at this point often shows a figure above 37 degrees, which will be accompanied by excessive sweating.
  5. When a child is too warmly clothed or heavily wrapped in a crib during feeding, this explains why the baby sweats when it sucks. So try to undress it to the maximum, depending on the season.