
Your child has grown unnoticeably, and it's time to buy him a new bed. After all, for a boy or girl over three years of age, this is not only a sleeping place, but also a possible element for the game. Modern psychologists argue that the game bed can contribute to a more active development of the child, helps him grow up cheerful and inquisitive. Therefore, when choosing a child's bed, many parents today pay attention to the bed-lock. The bed in some models of these beds can be located at the bottom, and the upper part can be equipped for the game. Convenient option for a loft bed, in which the child will sleep at the top, and play - at the bottom of a fabulous structure. In addition, such an attic bed takes up little space in the room.

Bed-castle for boys

Structurally, the bed-lock for the boy is no different from the same design for the girl. The main difference is in the design of this bed. After all, for boys it will be more interesting to sleep in a bed resembling a medieval knight's castle with spiers on the towers. Most often for boys choose a bed of greenish, bluish, gray, white flowers.

The child's loft-bed in the form of a castle perfectly spishetsya in the room for the boy, designed, for example, in the style of travel. Walls in such a room can be pasted with wallpaper with a picture of a beautiful nature, against which the castle will look very naturally.

Bed-lock for girls

For girls, playing in the "house" is one of the most interesting. Baby loves to imagine herself a princess who lives in a royal castle. Therefore, parents can choose for the daughter a beautiful and comfortable bunk bed-lock in pink, lilac and other shades. Your girl will really like to feel like a resident of this fabulous palace. This beautiful and comfortable bed will be your favorite place to play and sleep your child.