Palace of Justice

The Palace of Justice in Pretoria is the headquarters of the province of Gauteng, the highest court of South Africa . For today it is a part of the northern facade of the famous Church Square of the capital of the republic.

The building was built in the distant 19th century. The project was developed by the Dutch architect Sytze Wierda. It was thanks to his efforts that the most beautiful buildings of the late 19th and early 20th centuries appeared in this state.

It is interesting that on June 8, 1897, the first stone was laid by the ex-president of South Africa , Paul Kruger. By the way, it was he who founded the world's largest eponymous national park .

During the Second World War, the premises of the Palace of Justice housed a hospital for British soldiers.

And, if we talk about the interior design of this building, each hall is richly decorated with a magic combination of polished wood, stained glass, and expensive tiles. At the time of completion, the cost of erecting the site was about 116,000 pounds.

For many, the Palace of Justice is known precisely because of the political process that took place to be here. Thus, during the "Deed of Rivonia", as it was called, Nelson Mandela and many other influential political figures of the African National Congress were charged with high treason. After they were imprisoned, the whole world, all human rights activists, started talking about this state.

Where to find?

You can find the Palace of Justice in the capital of South Africa , Pretoria , on the famous Church Square. Exact address: 40 Church Square, Pretoria, 0002, South Africa.