The third child Kim Kardashian and Kanye West will be born in January next year

Inspired by the example of celebrities whose children were born with the help of surrogate motherhood, Kim Kardashian and her husband Kanye West are now waiting for the third baby to be born in January 2018.

Replenishment again

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, who are already raising a 4-year-old daughter of North and a 1.5-year-old son of Saint, will again become parents. Surrogate mother, who received $ 45,000 for her services, is in the third month of pregnancy and should give birth to a baby, which is a biological child of Kim and Kanye, in January of the next year, foreign media reported.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West with children

Representatives of the agency, who received 68 thousand dollars for their services, are vigilant in observing the terms of the contract signed by a star couple with a surrogate mother, according to which she should not smoke, drink alcohol, take drugs, sit in a hot tub, eat raw fish and much more .

A woman who wears a child under the heart of a 36-year-old Kardashian and 40-year-old West, is married and has her own children. She is about 30 years old and for her this is the second experience of surrogate motherhood.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

Why not herself?

It is not necessary to blame Kim, who for the two previous pregnancies gained more than 30 kilograms, in an unwillingness to spoil her figure any more. The decision to use the services of a surrogate mother was compulsory, since doctors categorically forbade the teledivore to give birth due to the ingrown-in patients, which is accompanied by heavy bleeding. Another pregnancy can cost her life.

36-year-old Kim Kardashian