Bird's milk - recipe

The taste of the legendary dessert "Bird's Milk" is familiar to us from childhood. Only now it is difficult to find an authentic variant of goodies in the trade network. And if you still want to once again enjoy your favorite taste and refresh your memories, make a dessert at home using the recipes below. In them we will tell you how to prepare a dessert in the form of a cake and we will offer a variant of sweets "Bird Milk".

Dessert "Bird's milk" - recipe for soufflé with gelatin


For the cake:

For a souffle:

For glaze:


First we prepare the cakes for a favorite dessert. Well softened in a warm place butter slightly beaten with a wooden spatula or a neat mixer and introduce an egg and vanillin mixed until uniform. Now mix the flour in small portions and bake two cakes from the dough obtained. The temperature of the oven should be at two hundred and twenty degrees. On each cake it will take from twelve to fifteen minutes.

While the cakes are baked and cooled, prepare the souffle. We soak gelatin in water and leave for half an hour under room conditions. Condensed milk and butter are combined in a bowl and pierced with a mixer until fluffy. Sugar sand with water is placed on the fire, boil for five minutes, stirring. Immediately convert the mixer with proteins into dense foam, while adding crystals of citric acid and vanillin. Continuing the work of the mixer, pour a thin stream of hot sugar syrup, dissolved gelatin and add the prepared cream from butter and condensed milk. We achieve a homogeneous texture of the mixture at a low speed mixer.

We put one cake on the bottom of the split form and pour half the mixture for the souffle. From the top place the second cake, fill the remaining mixture and have a dessert for several hours in the refrigerator for full hardening.

Now melt the chocolate bar on the water bath, mix the cream into the resulting liquid chocolate and apply the icing over the dessert, releasing it from the mold. After that we give the dessert to stay in the refrigerator for another seven hours and can try.

Candy jelly "Bird's milk" - a simple recipe



For the preparation of sweets, soak gelatin in the water according to the recommendations on the package and we start whipping the proteins with a mixer. At the same time, we achieve tight peaks, gradually pouring a pinch of citric acid. Beat also separately the butter, and then add the condensed milk and continue the whipping procedure for a couple of minutes. Gelatin put on medium heat, add sugar and heat until all the sugar crystals and gelatin are dissolved, but do not boil.

In the next step, we introduce cooled gelatin into the protein mass, continuously whipping, and we also add cream from butter and condensed milk. Now we spread the obtained mass into molds and let it freeze in the refrigerator.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath or in a microwave and let it cool down a little. Now alternately we dip into the chocolate mass the frozen candies and lay them on the foil sheet to solidify.