Nelly Furtado secretly broke up with her husband

It looks like 2017 will be fruitful for stellar divorce! Following Janet Jackson, a 38-year-old Nelly Furtado, who was married to Demasio Castellna, married her eighteen-year-old, was told about the marriage break.

Frank interview

In March, Nelly Furtado, after a creative vacation, released the new album The Ride, becoming a frequent guest of various talk shows. Yesterday, a popular Canadian singer came to ITV's Loose Women to talk about her work, but suddenly the conversation turned to personal.

Canadian singer Nelly Furtado became the guest of the show ITV's Loose Women

Furtado admitted that now her heart is free. She added that she broke up with Cuban sound engineer Demasio Castelln.

Nelly Furtado and Demacio Castelln

Salvation in music and self-irony

Talking about the difficult period in her life, Nelli said that she found an outlet in the work, which she had plenty, since the recording of the disc was in full swing. Instead of "baking cupcakes and scrubbing the toilet," she had to "go out into people".

Nelly Furtado

The singer, who looked beautiful in a silk dress-shirt with a bright pattern of flowers and birds, is optimistic about the future and ready to go on dates. Laughing, with a gleam in her eyes, Furtado declared:

"I'm alone now. Someone has to make edits to information about me on Wikipedia, because it really prevents an unmarried woman from meeting new fans. "
The singer ironically commented on her break with her husband
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Let's add, Nelli and Demasio were married in the summer of 2008 and together they brought up Furtado's daughter from musician Jasper Gehaniya to 13-year-old Nevis. The spouses had no common children.