Press for grapes

For people who grow grapes on their plots, the issue of processing the harvested crop is always topical. Usually, juice, vinegar or homemade wine is made from it. One of the most effective modern devices for these purposes is a press for pressing grapes.

The working principle of the press for pressing grapes

Usually this unit consists of:

The corrugated rollers are connected to the gears, which, when the handle is turned, are brought into reciprocal motion. The distance between the gears is adjusted to the size of the processed fruit, but it should be within 3 - 8 mm. As a result of this movement, the berries are compressed, and the squeezed juice is poured into the prepared container.

At the moment there are so many varieties of presses for obtaining juice.

Types of presses for pressing grapes

Depending on the applied efforts of the press for grapes are manual (mechanical) and electrical (automated).

The work of hand press machines can be the basis for the work of different mechanisms:

In turn, automated models of presses for grapes are distinguished by the used drive, to create pressure: hydraulic (water) and pneumatic (compressed air).

Also, presses can be designed to work with only one kind of berries or fruits (for grapes, for greens) or be universal - able to squeeze juice from any product.

Depending on what is made of the main basket, presses for grapes can be: wooden (from hard beech or oak), cast iron and stainless.

By the size and power of the press for pressing grapes are divided into household (used at home) and production models.

For the house, usually choose small simple manual or automated models with an average power. If you need to get a small amount of juice, then at home, like a press for grapes, you can use a mechanical screw-type juicer or crush the crumble berries and wring out in the gauze. It should be borne in mind that when using a hydraulic press due to the automation of the process, more juice is produced than when working on a manual press.

The press for pressing grapes has many advantages:

When buying a press for domestic processing of grapes, you should choose models without metal parts, since the juice after oxidation, darkens and becomes unfit for consumption or making home-made wine .