What sight in dogs?

There are many assumptions as to what vision is in dogs. In fact, the sight of dogs is sensitive to the same extent as the sight of any other hunter. The dog has a wide field of view. The color itself is not particularly important.

Dogs are better than humans to distinguish even small movements at a remote distance. However, at a short distance they see worse than us. The dog's eye is much richer than the man's. Normally, the shape of the lens changes, increasing the length of the focal length, but this does not happen as effectively as a human. The sensitivity of the dog's eye is higher than that of humans, but it is much more difficult to distinguish between completely fixed objects at any distance.

Peripheral vision varies considerably between species. In general, it depends on the anatomical location and cut of the eye itself.

All shades of gray

It is a little erroneous to believe that dogs have black-and-white eyesight. In general, color vision is present in dogs, but not in a pronounced form. Color vision is not so important for predators, as for animals, whose life depends on food colored berries, bright fruits, seeds and nuts. The dog's eye has a common structure, typical for all representatives of the order of predatory animals. The retina contains many photosensitive cells - rods. It is these cells that reflect everything seen in shades of white and black. Sticks are sensitive to light, even at low light levels. Special cells of color vision - cones - are in the retina in a fairly small amount.

The pupils of the dog's eyes have the ability to expand greatly in order to catch as much as possible all the possible amount of light, improving the quality and efficiency of night vision.

Lacrimal glands protect the cornea from possible drying. Dogs have a third eyelid, which is constantly closed lower. Its main task is to protect and clean the eye of external pollution.

Visual impairment

Sooner or later, the owners begin to notice that the dog is losing sight. In order to discard all doubts or, on the contrary, to confirm their fears, it is necessary to know how to check the dog's eyesight at home. You can move small objects of gray color near the dog, for example, roll balls on the floor. As dogs react sharply to movement, calm the reaction of the dog, and not the ability to focus the look in the right direction of the subject can talk about problems with vision. The loss of vision in dogs is usually accompanied with other physical manifestations of the disease. Redness of the eyes, clouding of the lens, pus, spotting, itching, anxiety, loss of orientation in space - all this may indicate a possible occurrence of blindness. Such an animal must be demonstrated in time to a specialist and all prescriptions prescribed by the doctor should be performed. Also, it is necessary to diversify the diet qualitatively and to surround the pet with a double love and affection, so that he quietly gets used to a new unusual way of life in the world of darkness.