Causes of allergies

Allergy - too acute reaction of the body to various substances. Most of them are usually completely innocuous. After contact with the stimulus, chemical substances begin to be produced, among which there is histamine. This is what can be considered the main reason for the onset of allergy symptoms. An acute reaction can occur with tactile contact with the allergen, its inhalation, injection or ingestion.

Common causes of allergies and urticaria

To name one and only reason why a person may have an allergy is impossible. Developing ailment in each organism is very individual, and it depends on many different factors. There are even cases when an allergic reaction occurs against a background of stress or a strong emotional shock.

As practice shows, the most common causes of allergies are:

Causes of food allergy

Because of allergic reactions, some have to abandon the use of once-favorite foods. And this can happen because of:

Causes of cold allergies on the skin

It is not so common, but the cold allergy also exists. The problem usually arises from violations of the body's defenses. The reason can be in: