How to lower testosterone in women?

The hormone testosterone (androgen) is produced not only by the male, but also by the female body (ovaries and adrenals), however, in much smaller quantities. The hormone is responsible for the formation of bone tissue, ensures normal operation of the sebaceous glands, stimulates sexual attraction. Sometimes testosterone in women is above normal. How to lower it, we will talk below.

The reasons for raising the level of the hormone

The norm for the female body is the content of testosterone in the amount of 0,24-2,7 nmol / l, however this figure can differ for different laboratories. An increased level of testosterone in women is associated with:

To determine the level of androgens, an analysis is made before which one can not eat and drink anything other than water for 12 hours. Alcohol and smoking are also unacceptable. The analysis is performed on the 6th-7th day of the menstrual cycle.

Signs of decreased testosterone in women

As a rule, the excess of the male hormone affects the female body. This manifests itself in the form:

However, not always high testosterone in women is accompanied by the above-described disorders, and it is only after analysis that hormonal failure can be detected.

Opposite state is the lack of a male hormone. If free testosterone in women is lowered, there is a decrease in libido (there is no sexual desire and orgasm), resistance to stress, muscle mass.

Treatment of increased testosterone in women

Excess hormone affects the reproductive function of women: due to disruption of the ovaries and the absence of ovulation, it is impossible to become pregnant. If fertilization does occur, it is difficult to bear the fetus when the testosterone is high. In addition, increased androgen levels increase the risk of developing diabetes. Therefore it is extremely important to consult a doctor at the slightest hint of a failure in the endocrine system.

The doctor, as a rule, prescribes drugs that lower testosterone in women - they, of course, are hormonal. Most often prescribed dexamethasone, Diane 35, diethylstilbestrol, cyproterone, digitalis, digostin, as well as glucose and glucocorticosteroids. It is believed that the intake of hormonal drugs should be systematic, since after cancellation the androgen level may again jump.

Increased testosterone and pregnancy

The placenta produces an excessive amount of testosterone, so in future mothers the norm of this hormone is slightly higher: 4-8 and 13-20 weeks are accompanied by a risk of miscarriage precisely because of the highest concentration of the hormone in the blood for the entire period of gestation. In the women's consultation, special attention is paid to this issue, and if the indicators reach critical values, take action.

The hormonal balance is affected by nutrition, so the products that lower testosterone in women are useful:

Alternative ways to reduce testosterone

Traditional medicine offers women hormone balance restoration by taking herbal decoctions:

Positively on female health affects yoga.