The best books on business

Those who are just starting their business, as well as those who have already reached the heights, often look for the best books on business. The experience of people who have already passed this path is often useful for all categories of entrepreneurs. We will review the best business books of all time, which are not only interesting in reading, but also useful for work.

  1. "How to become rich" Jean Paul Getty . The author of the book is the holder of the title "The richest man in the world". Not surprisingly, his creation quickly gained popularity and was included in the list of the best books on business.
  2. "Think and grow rich!" Jack Kenfield . This famous author of bestsellers and part-time dollar multimillionaire reveals the secrets of successful people.
  3. "Millionaire for a minute" and "Fast money in slow times" by Robert Allen and Mark Hansen . If you do not have the time or the patience to wait for profit, you can learn about the fast ways to make money from these books.
  4. "My neighbor is a millionaire" by Thomas Stanley and William Danko . This book looks at the millionaires of a very attentive observer. A couple of American scientists for a long time watched how real millionaires behave, who earned their fortune on their own. They were very interesting discoveries.
  5. "Rules for playing without rules" by Christina Comaord-Lynch . The author is a girl who earned $ 10,000,000. She had to change dozens of activities, but she found her own and gained invaluable experience, which she decided to share. Now her work stably enters the lists of the best books on creating a business.
  6. "Dare to succeed" and "The Aladdin Factor" by Jack Kenfield and Mark Hansen . Two millionaires joined their efforts and published, perhaps, the best books on how to tune in to success, to believe in yourself and reach the heights.
  7. "Multiple sources of income" and "Decipher the millionaire code" Robert Allen . A millionaire who helped other people become millionaires, wrote a number of works that are recognized as one of the best books on business planning.
  8. "How to Sell Anything to Anyone" and "How to Sell Yourself" by Joe Girard . The author is a glorified Guinness Book of Records, an unprecedented successful seller of cars. If someone will teach you how to sell, then it will be him!

Certainly, literature created by the hands of millionaires is the best motivating book on business. After all, the success of other people allows us to believe that any goal can be realized.