What vitamins are better for adults to take immunity?

What vitamins are better to take for immunity to adults is a very important issue for those ladies who are seriously concerned about their own health and appearance. They need to know exactly what vitamins are worth paying close attention to and try to fill up the deficit as soon as possible.

The main vitamins for improving immunity in adults

First of all, vitamins D, E, beta-carotene (a special form of vitamin A), ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and two of the B group vitamins - nicotinic acid, or B3 and B6, contribute to the strengthening of the natural protective forces of man. If we are talking about vitamins for women's immunity, then in the priority there is a classical four: A, C, E, D, but as far as possible beautiful ladies should not deprive themselves of other microelements.

Each of these elements affects the immunity in their own way, so it is so important that they enter the body at the same time, rather than separately. And this is possible only if the regime and the balanced menu are respected. Turning to the specific characteristics of each vitamin, it should be noted that:

Where are vitamins that increase immunity to an adult?

Understand that your immunity is not enough vitamins, it's pretty simple. This is eloquently told by fast and chronic fatigue, flashes of irritability, the appearance of rashes, scaling on the skin, swelling, diarrhea or, conversely, permanent constipation, puffing nails, hair falling out, shortness of breath, muscle spasms. To begin to struggle with these negative phenomena it is necessary from a diet, after all the most good and useful vitamins for immunity are in healthy, natural food. This includes vegetables, offal, lean meat and fatty fish, nuts , greens, olive oil. A very good help will be therapeutic teas from rose hips, ginger, with lemon slices and honey.

Which pharmacy vitamins are better for immunity?

To solve the problem it is possible and with the help of complex pharmaceutical preparations that are convenient for reception and have the optimal composition, which includes both vitamins and trace elements. Women can take standard multivitamin complexes, for example, Supradin Energy, Centrum, Vitrum Energy, Alphabet, etc. Or they can taste special women's vitamins: Duovit for Women, Complivit Radiance, Perfectil . It is unequivocal to say which of these complexes is better, because the body of each woman is unique and can react differently to the taking of certain drugs. But in any case, prescribe the pharmacy vitamins should the doctor, take them alone, without consulting a specialist, is not recommended.