Eggplants - growing and care in the open ground, features of the best varieties

If you want to have your own eggplant on the table, cultivation and care in the open ground behind them can be accomplished quite successfully. They are ranked among the genus Solanaceae on a par with tomatoes, potatoes and peppers, but the cultivation of "blue", as they are also called housewives, has its own characteristics.

Eggplant varieties for open ground

For cultivation in the open area advise to choose the most productive, undemanding and early ripening varieties of blue. They differ in the size and shape of the fruit, the periods of ripening, even shades of the vegetable, except lilac, there are olive, dairy, reddish, striped. The best varieties of eggplant for open ground:

  1. Alekseevsky is a fast, productive species, a bush up to 70 cm in size. Violet vegetables, 145 grams, soft and without bitterness.
  2. Robin Hood - the brand takes precedence in resistance to negative conditions, the bush grows up to 1 m, the fruits are large - up to 300 g. Vegetables are lilac, excellent for preservation.
  3. Diamond - a grade of record for productivity (8 kg per 1 m 2 ), a dwarf shrub to 56 cm, fruits dark purple, 165 grams, flesh with a green.
  4. Black handsome - stands out with a significant weight of fruit (about 200 g), characterized by an enviable yield and resistance to diseases.
  5. Epic F1 - suitable for cultivation in most of the country, teardrop-like purple-dark fruits ripen early.

Eggplant planting in open ground

Blue is a warm, loving culture. Planting aubergines in the open ground is planned on a site where the earth is easily heated by the sun's rays, there are no cold winds. Selective substrates for blue are well aerated, sandy and loamy compounds. The heavier ones are fertilized with peat or humus in proportion to the bucket per 1 m 2 . Eggplant - nightshade, growing and care in the open ground is permissible next to peppers and tomatoes, and not after them. Optimal precursors for blue were carrots, onions, cabbage, cucumbers, peas, melons.

How to plant the aubergines in an open ground?

Sinenki prefer heat, do not stand the cold and in a moderate environment are cultivated with the help of seedlings. Eggplant, growing and outdoor care - preparation of material for planting:

Planting a seedling of eggplant in the open ground is done if the shoots have five leaves and a 10-centimeter root. To do this, pits are formed, poured with warm water, the seedlings are rooted in the formed substance before the first pair of leaves together with a lump of soil from the container. Plant before planting abundantly poured. The earth around the bush is rammed, sprinkled with peat. Plant seedlings, observing the gap in rows of 60 cm and with a step between specimens of 40 cm.

When to plant eggplants in the open ground?

Ready seedlings seedlings are placed in the ground when planting eggplants in the open ground is already safe and there is no risk of night chills. The main conditions for transplantation of seedlings - the temperature of the earth is 18 ° C, the age of the shoots is 2-2.5 months, the height is 17-25 cm. For the most part of the agroclimatic zones of the Non-Black Earth Region, the period of safe planting of crops falls on the first June decade.

How to grow eggplants in the open ground?

Garden aubergines during cultivation require systematic loosening of the substrate, constant watering, application of fertilizers, control of weeds, parasites. Sometimes bushes are sprinkled with sugar syrup during flowering to lure insects to pollute the ovaries. The maturation period of early species is 100 days, late - 150. Collect the harvested crop 40 days after flowering. They cut off with a knife, fresh blue can be stored for one month. Observance of all conditions of care will allow you to have a significant yield - 2-8 kg / m 2 .

What is the temperature of the aubergines in the open ground?

Growing aubergines in the open field requires the fulfillment of all the requirements of agricultural technology. The appropriate temperature for positive development of the culture is + 25-28 ° С. Under conditions of less than + 15 ° C, the plant inhibits growth. At negative or continuing small plus temperatures it dies. Most sensitive to such requirements of seedlings. Strong temperature changes lead to the fall of buds, ovaries.

Eggplant beds in open ground

The vegetable garden under the eggplant should be well illuminated and cleaned from weeds. The best option is to plant seedlings in rows with a distance of not more than 1 meter. During the growth period, the bush is twice hunted with the soil substrate under the root. Young seedlings are afraid of night colds. Therefore, there is nothing left to do but cover the eggplant in the open ground with the threat of cold weather. For this cellophane stretches on the wire arches, installed at a height of 1 m above the bed. Completely clean it at the onset of stable heat, usually after June 15.

Soil for eggplant in open ground

The soil needs fertile, weakly acidic or neutral. Eggplants, growing and care in the open ground, which begins in autumn with the preparation of the land, do not experience any discomfort. The site is preliminarily dig deep into the spade bayonet with the addition of liquid manure, free of weeds, disinfected. For disinfection, take 1-2 tbsp copper sulfate per bucket of water.

In the spring they dig to a reduced depth, along with sand (or sawdust) and fertilizers: 10-20 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium chloride plus 3 kg of humus per 1 square meter. After the bed, the rake is leveled and moistened. During the first couple of weeks after the planting of eggplants, the seedlings are planted, growing and caring for it involves necessarily podpushivanie to a depth of 10 cm This method improves the access of oxygen to the root shoots.

How to form eggplant in the open ground?

In order to obtain a neat bush with strong lateral stems, the eggplant is pamphleted in the open ground. After the plant reaches 30 cm in height, the top trunk cuts off the tip. From new shoots choose powerful 4-5, other stepsons cut. On the remaining stems, a crop of crops will be formed. On one specimen, no more than 20 ovaries are left at the same time, rosettes are torn off, so that extra stepsons do not take the nutrients from the vegetable.

How to feed eggplants in the open ground?

Garden eggplants, cultivation and care in the open ground, which is carried out according to the agrotechnics, need additional fertilizing. Feeding rules:

  1. Begin to fertilize the seedlings for 10-15 days with a mixture of mineral preparations: 50 g of superphosphate, plus 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of potassium salt per 10 liters of water. Actually the plant responds to makeup with liquid manure.
  2. The second feeding of aubergines in the open ground is planned 20 days after the initial, the norm of minerals rises 2 times.
  3. The third replenishment is necessary at the stage of fruiting: in 10 liters of water, 80 g of urea and superphosphate plus 10 g of potassium chloride are dissolved.
  4. The solution pours out under the bush, after top dressing the plant is poured with clean water, so as not to burn the roots.

How to water the aubergines in the open ground?

Sinenki - hygrophilous plants, care for aubergines suggests abundant moisturizing. First, the seedlings are not watered, but irrigated, if the land is dry. The first watering of the seedlings is carried out after 3 days, then in the morning, every week. In hot weather, the frequency of moistening increases. Tap water for 24 hours is protected from chlorine in open containers, heated to 25 ° C. The irrigation rate is about 10 liters per 1 m 2 . It is necessary to pour water under the root, not falling on the foliage. You can not allow the formation of a crust after watering - care of the plant implies loosening.

Features of eggplant cultivation, diseases and pests

Garden Eggplants are some of the secrets of growing:

Serious damage to aubergines during cultivation and care in the open field causes diseases, pests:

  1. Bacterial ailments black spotting, internal necrosis. They leave spots on the fruits. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to collect seeds from healthy vegetables, autumnal disinfection of the soil with copper sulfate, destruction of the remnants of past plants in future beds.
  2. Mosaic of leaves. Viral illness, destroying the harvest. For protection and care: seeds are etched with potassium permanganate; the seedlings are irrigated with milk diluted in water (1:10), then covered with a film; Inventory, tools and boxes are disinfected with potassium permanganate.
  3. Aphid. It feeds on juice from shoots, for destruction Carbofos is used.
  4. Spider mite. Selitsya below the leaf. For wrestling is used infusion of onion or dandelion, with the addition of liquid soap.
  5. Slugs. Harm the leaves and fruits. Primer next to the bush should be sprinkled with ashes, salt, red pepper, dust of tobacco.