How to care for a hamster - the basic rules of nutrition and content

Information on how to care for a hamster is mandatory for familiarization with the owners of these rodents. Given the simple rules, you can create for your pet the ideal conditions for existence and reproduction. It is important to know and recommendations regarding feeding.

How to care for a hamster at home?

To the rodent was comfortable and comfortable, arrange for him a comfortable home:

  1. Cell. The minimum size for one specimen is 40x30x30 cm. When choosing a house, consider the rule - the more, the better. The most suitable option is to have a pallet of plastic and metal bars. Be sure to purchase wood filler.
  2. Cage equipment. For the care and maintenance of hamsters necessarily buy a drinker and a feeder. The water tank should not stand on the ground, as the rodent can turn it over, fix it at an accessible height. Buy a house for a hamster where he can hide. In addition, put a piece of straw next to the pet to make a nest for yourself. Do not forget about entertainment and the most popular is the wheel. another option - arrange in the cage various obstacles, for example, perches, branches, labyrinths and so on.
  3. Restroom. Finding out how to care for a hamster, it is worth noting that a young rodent can be trained to cope with the need in the same place. In the pet store there are special trays and a filler that will absorb an unpleasant odor.

Syrian hamster - care and content

This is the most common kind of rodents, which is easy to take care of. There are several mandatory procedures that will create for the pet the ideal conditions:

  1. Care and maintenance of hamsters include cleaning, so, the feeder and the drinking bowl should be washed daily. The filler is changed once a week, and once a month, do a spring cleaning.
  2. Important for rodents and regular walks, during which they need to be looked after, since even a fall from a small height can be fatal. In the pet store there is a special ball for walking a hamster.

How to care for a dzhungar hamster?

Funny and beautiful kids are very popular. To care for rodents, use the recommendations presented above, and more such tips:

  1. Proper care and maintenance of the jungar hamster means that you can not use the aquarium, since the rodent can run wild in such a vessel.
  2. To the hamster does not bite, contact as often as possible, take it on your hands and play.
  3. Dzhungariki are family animals, so be sure to get a pair. The animals will become more communicative and friendly.
  4. Once a week, complete the replacement of the filler, leaving a small amount for the smell. Monthly wash the cage without destroying the nests.

Angor hamster - care and maintenance

Rodents with a long fur look very unusual and attractive. The rules described in the care of other breeds are relevant for this species. There are a number of features regarding how to care for a hamster at home:

  1. This kind of rodent is prone to obesity, so be sure to put a wheel in the cage and balance the ration of the animal.
  2. Proper maintenance and care requires the purchase of chalk stone, drinker, cage and bath.
  3. You can not have two rodents in one cage, because they do not tolerate neighborhood.
  4. If you are interested in how to care for an angora hamster, please note that in order for the wool to be less polluted, pour the wood pellets onto the floor of the cage. For combing, use a toothbrush that will remove entangled particles of food and debris.

How to care for newborn hamsters?

After the birth, the kids need warmth and food. The room should have a temperature of 21-25 ° C. Caring for babies comes down to caring for their mother. The instructions on how to care for small hamsters indicate that the female and children need solitude, so place the cage in the cage before the birth of the offspring. Do not clean for at least two weeks. After 2-3 weeks, the kids can be set off and they need to be picked up every day to make them used, otherwise they will bite.

What is fed hamsters at home?

The main vital food for rodents is grains, dry food and cereals. It is best to buy special mixtures in pet stores. Vegetables and fruit, buy from trusted sellers to exclude the content of toxic substances in food. Finding out how to properly feed hamsters, you need to consider the list of necessary products:

  1. The most useful and loved by the rodent cereals: peas, barley, oats, wheat, millet and corn, and lentils.
  2. You need a hamster and protein food: low-fat dairy products, chicken fillets, river fish and shrimp. You can also give them insects and dried worms from the pet store. Include in the diet of such food once a week.
  3. If there are not enough vegetables and fruits in the dry food, then additionally give such products: a pumpkin, zucchini, sour apples, strawberries, bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and bananas. Remember that it is often forbidden to give sweet fruit.
  4. Understanding how to care for a hamster and how to feed it, it is important to note that in the diet must necessarily be present greens and fresh herbs, for example, carrot and beet tops, celery leaves, fresh dandelion leaves. Grow greens better independently on the windowsill.

How many times a day to feed the hamsters?

The optimal number is considered a single evening feeding, when the rodent is particularly active. It is best to give food every day at the same time. More often than two times a day, rodents can not be fed. It is important to know not only what the hamsters are fed at home, but also in what quantities it should be done. The amount of feed depends on physical activity, age, physiological state and room temperature. To small breeds give 1 item. spoon of food, and large - a little more.

How to feed a small hamster?

When the kids begin to crawl out of the nest, you need to lower the drinker lower and start feeding. For small hamsters, nursing involves the preparation for them of ordinary baby cereal, for example, oatmeal, corn or buckwheat. It is important that it does not contain sugar, flavors and other additives. After a while, you can add purified seeds to the diet. When the kids get stronger, they can be translated into adult nutrition.

How to bathe a hamster at home?

Immediately it is necessary to say that water procedures are dangerous for rodents, so they should be carried out as a last resort. Bathing can cause severe stress, hypothermia, damage to the protective layer of the skin and injuries. If the rodent's fur looks greasy or feces are entangled in it, then it is better to have a sand bath. Bathing rodent is recommended in case of contamination with food and household chemicals. There is an instruction on how to bathe hamsters at home:

  1. Take the bowl and put the rodent in it. Pour it with warm water from a mug and the temperature should not be more than 30 ° C. Do not allow water to come into contact with the head.
  2. A drop of a special means for washing rodents is first diluted in water, and then with the foam formed, lather the hamster's fur using only the fingers.
  3. After this, thoroughly wash the coat and skin, completely removing the detergent. Be sure to check that the foam does not stay.
  4. In the end, wipe the hamster with a clean cloth, and then wrap it in a dry cloth and hold in hands until it dries completely. Quickly absorb the moisture paper towels.
  5. Comb the hair with a toothbrush.