How to cook borsch?

Borsch is the first dish, which is not just hearty, but also very tasty. There are a lot of recipes for its preparation. How to cook borscht, read below.

How to cook a red borsch?



For broth we put the meat on a bone in a saucepan, fill it with water and put it on the stove. Formed after boiling foam remove, reduce fire and cook for about an hour and a half. In the meantime we are preparing other products - we clean vegetables, cut potatoes with straws, cut small onions, and let carrot and beet through a grater. Thin shred cabbage. Let's pass the onion, add the carrots and bring to the color. Then add the tomato paste, pour in about 50 ml of water and mix well. Separately, stew beetroot under the lid to its softness.

Ready broth filter through a sieve, and cut the meat slices and return again to the pan. We put potatoes in the same place. After 10 minutes, add onions with carrots and cabbage. If you want it to be very soft, it can be laid with potatoes. When the vegetables are almost cooked, put the beets in the saucepan, previously combined with lemon juice. Approximately a minute before the end of cooking we put in the prepared borsch the chopped greens and garlic. We serve borsch to the table with sour cream.

How to cook a green borsch?



We cut the sorrel into small pieces. Grind the greens. Potatoes are cut into small pieces, white onions are minced minuscule. Pass the chopped onion until red. Then we pour in the broth. This can all be done immediately in a saucepan. If it is with a thick bottom. Immediately after the liquid starts to boil, add sorrel, and after 10 minutes we put the potatoes. In parallel, we cook hard-boiled eggs. When potatoes are cooked, add all the remaining greens, add salt, pepper, and after the green borsch boils, turn off the fire. When serving in each plate, put half the boiled egg, as well as sour cream.

How to cook borsch with chicken in a multivark?


For broth:

For borsch:


Chicken meat thoroughly rinsed. We place pieces of chicken in the bowl of the appliance, there we send a whole bulb and carrots, sliced, bay leaf and pepper peas. Salting and pouring water. Before boiling we bring in the mode "Baking", and then we translate the device to "Quenching" and prepare for 1 hour. This time will be quite enough if we use a young chicken.

For grilling we chop the onions, let the carrots pass through the grater. Now let's pour the broth into another container, and pour in the vegetable oil into the bowl, place the prepared vegetables and stir it lightly on the "Bake". Then add the ground beet and pass for a few more minutes. We pour tomato juice and cook until thick. At the end, we put finely chopped cabbage and chopped potatoes. After that, we pour in the broth, we put salt to taste, we can also slightly sugar it. Put about a pinch of pepper and stir. In the "Quenching" mode, we prepare borscht for 1 hour. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped pieces of chicken, as well as chopped garlic and greens. Prepare the signal.

If you are interested in how to cook borsch with beans, you can take as a basis any of the above recipes, slightly adjusting it. You can go on a simple path, and in the almost ready borsch to add canned beans in tomato or without it. And you can first boil the beans, and then add it to the borsch.

Now you know exactly how to cook a delicious borsch. As you can see, this is absolutely not difficult. All of you will necessarily come out in the best possible form and the home will be satisfied.