Myocardial dystrophy

Myocardial dystrophy is a disease that can affect not only inactive people or those who do not follow their health, but also athletes. About what can cause the development of the disease, as well as the symptoms of dystrophy, we will discuss in this article.

What is myocardial dystrophy?

The name of this disease in the medical language sounds like "myocardial dystrophy". The disease is characterized by a violation of metabolic processes in the heart muscle. Complete or partial cure of the disease gives the elimination of the cause of myocardial dystrophy. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to understand the factors that affect the appearance of the disease.

Causes of the development of ailment

All causes of the emergence and development of myocardial dystrophy can be divided into two groups:

The first group includes myocardia and cardiomyopathy. The second group has a broader list, namely:

The main reason for the development of myocardial dystrophy in athletes is overload in training, as the heart reserve is depleted.

These reasons cause a lack of energy in the heart, and in addition, in its system accumulate harmful metabolic products that interfere with the proper functioning of the body.

Symptoms of myocardial dystrophy

Dystrophy of the myocardium can be manifested with the help of external symptoms. So first of all the disease manifests itself through the appearance of dyspnea, edema and a decrease in pressure. In addition, heart failure may develop. But also the patient can have no external symptoms, therefore at many the dystrophy begins imperceptibly enough because of what doctors recommend to pass or take place regular inspections.

The disease can develop for several years. Many patients completely do not pay attention to shortness of breath, which appears late in the evening, or pain in the heart region. After one or two years, these symptoms become more noticeable, but the time, unfortunately, will already be it is missed. By this time, a more complex form of the disease, fatty myocardial dystrophy, can develop.

Treatment of pathology

In order to prevent the appearance of the disease, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis. If the first symptoms or the risk of developing myocardial dystrophy appear, it is necessary to provide the patient with absolute psychological and physical rest. In addition, the doctor should prescribe the intake of vitamins B1, B6, cocarboxylase. They contribute to the improvement of metabolism in the myocardium. It is also recommended to take glycosides and ATP.

During the treatment of myocardial dystrophy the patient is observed in an endocrinologist who must prescribe the main course of treatment. If the disease is in a chronic stage, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.